“Heartware” Needed In Artificial Intelligence
Recent news that a local radio station developed an AI-based radio deejay certainly has caught the attention of many. AI, which is short for artificial intelligence, is a technology developed by…
Recent news that a local radio station developed an AI-based radio deejay certainly has caught the attention of many. AI, which is short for artificial intelligence, is a technology developed by…
A somewhat belated Happy New Year to all NST readers. May the New Year shine new lights on us Malaysians. However, it is predicted that 2023 will be a year with various challenges whether from within the country or globally. Some of the…
News of a four-year-old boy who tragically died as a result of abuse became one of the heart breaking stories of 2022. The poor child was reportedly being cared for by his older sister after…
On 15th December 2022, the Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM) held an International Forum to commemorate the second anniversary of the passing of one of Malaysia’s most eminent…
Everyone is exposed to cyber threats as almost all data, information and activities are now digitally accessible in cyberspace. Although the availability in some respects is beneficial, technological progress…
According to The World Health Organization (WHO), more than 700,000 people die by suicide every year, and that accounted for 1.3 per cent of all deaths in 2019. Among the countries of the Organization for…
In his recent work entitled Corruption and Hypocrisy in Malay Politics: The Urgency of Moral-Ethical Transformation, the Distinguished Professor and Chairman of Institute of Islamic Understanding…
One of the most important elements in democracy is election. Regular and periodic elections indicate a strong democratic governance which allows eligible citizens to…
The Qawwam Man Initiative emphasises the role of men as leaders and wali (guardians) of their family members. In this role, the wali’s goal is to ensure the well-being of his family …
Hujjatul Islam Imam al-Ghazali (w.505H/1111M) menyebut dalam kitabnya al-Tibr al-Masbuk fi Nasihat al-Muluk betapa pentingnya seorang raja (atau pemerintah) berlaku …