In our daily lives we are very dependent on the environment. Thus, a sustainable and healthy environment is very important so that it can offer a variety of services needed by human beings and at the same time ensure the well-being of human health and safety. This is very important to emphasize because a healthy and safe environment and human beings can be disrupted if the environment suffers from deterioration as a result of unbalanced development activities carried out by humans.
It has been found that most of the disruptions to human safety and health are due to changing environmental conditions, such as polluted air, dumping of garbage in poorly managed environments, uncontrolled destruction of forest ecosystems, dumping of toxic wastes to the environment and various other activities that indirectly contribute to the deterioration of environmental quality.
The quality of the environment also greatly affects the safety and health of the environment. It was found that recently, the environmental quality record in Malaysia showed a deterioration in terms of water quality, air, garbage and so on. We do not deny that rapid development of economic aspects in various fields such as from the industrial sector, construction, manufacturing, investment, agriculture and other developments contribute a lot to the increase in Gross Domestic Product (GDP), but at the same time these activities also contribute to the deterioration of environmental quality.
Apart from that, the increase in population in Malaysia also contributes to the increase in garbage generation, especially in urban areas. And the increase that has taken place has a huge impact on the social, economic and environmental aspects. In fact, from the report released in 2018, it is estimated that the amount of garbage generated per day on average for an individual in the city is 1.8 kg/day.
Despite the increasing population, coupled with the issue of clinical solid waste dumping as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the efforts made by the authorities in managing waste effectively are still unattainable. This has greatly led to the effect of environmental pollution as well as affect the level of safety, health and well-being of the community.
Similarly, environmental disasters is one of the environmental responses to humans and the environment as a result of pollution activities carried out by humans in excess such as dumping or discharging waste either in the form of liquid, gas or solid untreated to the environment.
Naturally, the environment can actually absorb pollution if the quantity is at a small rate. However, if the pollution is over the limit or excessive, the environment itself will respond by returning the disaster to humans and the environment.
This coincides with the words of Allah SWT in Surah Ar-Rum, verse 41 which means: “Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by (reason of) what the hands of people have earned so He (i.e., Allah) may let them taste part of (the consequence of) what they have done that perhaps they will return (to righteousness)”.
Apart from polluted air and garbage problems, urban communities are also at risk and vulnerable to water pollution problems. For example, it can be seen from a series of previous water pollution, namely river water pollution that occurred in Sungai Kim-Kim in Pasir Gudang, Johor, pollution in Sungai Bernam, Tanjung Malim, Perak and also water pollution that caused the death of Orang Asli in Kuala Koh, Gua Musang, Kelantan.
This tragedy is one of the worst disasters ever reported in Malaysia because it involves disruption to physical health and even death. Similarly, the tragedy of river pollution that occurred in Pasir Gudang, Johor should be a useful lesson to all members of society, public, private sector and government in facing development and also environmental well -being.
In this context, communities need to be made aware the importance of the health of their environment. This is because, the affected environment not only cause deterioration in the quality of the environment, but can also invite danger to human life. In fact, until now, it has been found that the issue of environmental destruction and environmental safety has added to the security threat to society.
In facing the issue of environmental degradation, aspects of education, awareness and community concern for the environment need to be enhanced and strengthened. This is because the issue of destruction and deterioration of the quality of the environment will threaten the health, safety and well-being of the community.
Issues related to the deterioration of environmental quality and environmental health need to be addressed wisely as it is feared the same thing will happen again in the future. Meanwhile, when environmental degradation and destruction occurs on a large scale, it is certain that the victims are ourselves. Therefore, most of us should not compromise on profit when it comes to aspects of safety, health and even the well-being of the environment which ultimately also affects the quality of life and human life.
One of the factors contributing to the degradation and destruction of the environment is due to the neglect in the context of the important principles of relationship with nature as outlined by Islam. Islam has outlined a very clear relationship between humans and nature that needs to be understood and lived well by humans so that humans better appreciate the blessings of nature that have been bestowed by Allah SWT. There are five important principles of the relationship between man and nature that have been outlined by Islam.
The first principle is human beings need to realize that every creation of God on this earth has a specific role and function, which they complement each other. This has been clearly stated in the words of Allah SWT in Surah al-Qamar, verse 49 which means: “Indeed, all things We created with predestination”. In Surah Ar-Rad, verse 8 Allah SWT says again which means: “… and with Him everything is determined with precision”. From these two verses, it has clearly been stated that other beings created on this earth are complementary to each other. So, if part of it is destroyed then it will definitely upset the balance of nature itself.
Secondly, Allah SWT did not create something in vain, instead every creation of Allah SWT on earth is a proof of greatness, majesty and as a sign of Allah SWT’s power. Next, human beings are part of the universe created by Allah SWT and have a close relationship with the environment and all the components that are in it. Thus, human beings are responsible for managing and preserving the planet earth and the environment as best as possible.
In addition, the principle of the relationship between man and nature also emphasizes on the concept of justice in Islam where it covers all beings whether animals, plants and so on. Finally, the principle of human relationship with nature emphasizes that human beings do not have the right to exploit natural resources arbitrarily because everything belongs to Allah SWT. This matter has been clearly emphasized through the words of Allah SWT in surah al-Syu’ara, verse 183 which means: “And do not deprive people of their due and do not commit abuse on earth, spreading corruption”.
These five important principles of the relationship between man and nature that have been outlined by Islam should be a guide and emphasized by the average of us in interacting with nature and using the resources available in it. This is important to understand and appreciate well because by keeping the boundaries of this relationship only then we can avoid doing damage to the environment.