ISBN No: 978-983-2636-94-6
Terbitan: Penerbit IKIM
Tahun Terbitan: Cetakan Pertama 2014
Cetakan Kedua 2016
This small monograph is aimed at a balanced and hilostic exposition of thinking. Apart from scrutinising and explaining the relation of thinking to knowledge, this monograph also demonstrates that, should one subscribe to such a fomulation, one would then not have to prefer thinking to such a exclusion of memorisation, on the one hand, and similarly, one would not then have to face the dilemma of siding with creative thinking at the cost of marginalising the critical one, on the other hand. In short, just as memorising is an indispensable, necessary condition in thinking, so is logic related to creativity as modes (or aspects) of thinking. The monograph also seek to show that in both mental acts––memorisation as well as thinking, wheather critical or creative––imagination plays a great, instrumental role.