One cannot deny the fact that Islam has played a very important role in the history of this great nation. In a so-called interfaith dialogue forum, someone annoyingly stood up and remarked negatively on the issue of Islam Hadhari. The cynical and skeptical notion of some about what�s so great about the contribution of Islam to the building of this nation is plainly denying the historical facts that Islam has on this country.
It is not the purpose of this article to list the historical details of the contribution by Islam, but it is important that every loving citizen of the country Muslim and non-Muslim accepts its contribution and respects its position then, now and in times to come. One cannot just simply erase the past and rewrite history suiting that of their own.
Although attempt has been made to nullify the fact, Islam has remain influential to the leaders and majority of its citizens in formulating policies, making decisions and became the basis of the formation of Malaysia. The historical fact that accords Islam the official religion of the Federation implies its significant role in the making of the country�s history. In the course of our history, Islamic values were infused in the society; Islamic financial system was introduced as an alternative and optional to the conventional system and recently Islam Hadhari.
Yes, it is also a historical fact that through years the demography and composition has taken the multihued of cultures and religions but that cannot and will not change history. Islam will continue to play a significant role in our society as it has been since it was centuries ago. It was the practices and influences of the true teachings of Islam that we have become what and where we are today.
According to the teachings of Islam, the Quran says
� O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and female, and made you into nations and tribes that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise each other). Verily the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah is full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things)- Surah Al-Hujarat Verse 13.
Our leaders of the yester years did not pursue policies of persecutions and deprivations of peoples who came to settle. They have also not opted for forced assimilation and cleansing. One can imagine what will be of us if that was the case. We have obvious examples in some countries where forced assimilations were preferred rather than integration. Names were forced to changed, religious and cultural practices were suppressed. Some went to the extend of national disintegration and were involved in what seems to be an unending wars and struggle in the name of preserving ones own selfish cause.
Some say that the multicultural and diversity of our nation is a melting pot and may soon erupt and shatter, but so were Mount Fuji, Chernobyl and Bhopal and nuclear facilities worldwide. Tsunami, Volcanic eruptions are known to have wiped nations and communities so were wars and disputes in modern society. The whole island of Java is littered with live volcanoes and one can imagined the destruction if affirmative actions are not in place. Frequent tremors and earthquakes constantly rock Japan; buildings are constructed to cushioned predicted natural forces. Adjustments were made to minimize annihilation.
Every society has its own threatening elements be it natural or otherwise. It will be disastrous if we are complacent and let loose our attention on avoiding catastrophe, avalanches and destructions.
Multiculturalism, differences, multi religiosity is natural to society of today as much as calamities is to the world. It can either be an asset or be the source of contentions, disputes and tribulations. Glorious civilizations have been built on unity and differences and some disintegrated because of it. It�s a matter of what we believe in and whether to unite or fight endlessly. After the great Tsunami, people talked about an early warning system. Perhaps we should also look into the prospect of considering an early warning system to preserve our unity.
Islam Hadhari is said by few to have caused tremors in the society and threatened our unity; nevertheless if we can view it from the perspective of an early warning system, it was a wake-up call for every citizen to reemphasize our commitment to nation building based on the principles of Rukunegara.
The 10 universal principles of Islam Hadhari are applicable to develop the nation if everyone views it positively. Beyond what has been said, Islam Hadhari is essentially a roadmap towards establishing a civilization that focuses on enhancing the quality of life of every citizen through knowledge and technological acquisition, balanced and sustainable development of the nations� human and physical resources. It is geared towards driving the nation to realize the Vision 2020.
Fortunately, in Malaysia, wisdom seems to prevail and we lived today in a multicultural and multi religious society in harmony and with respects of each other�s heritage. While we preserve our own we should be wary of threats to this fragile but precious milieu. Each of us has roles to play and above all and most sacred is the role of keeping our country united despite the diversity within. Although persistent efforts are being made by some unscrupulous elements in our society to ridicule Islam Hadhari majority has been guided by wisdom and nobility.