It is estimated that there are at least 50,000 nuclear bombs in existence in the world today. There are at least one million bombs as strong as the two dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. Those atomic bombs killed about 120,000 people, many thousands were wounded or suffered the effects of atomic radiation.
It is a well established fact that Islam considers all humanity one family. Whenever there is any conflict, they should and must find the best solution to settle those conflicts, not by being cowardly dropping thousands of bombs from the air. No party has the right to kill the other. All are members of the same family.
Islam is the religion of peace. The word ‘Islam” is derived from root word “salama”, which means peace. Islam encompasses peace in the life of the individual, family and society. Islam stands for peace among people and communities, and peace in the world. At the same time, Islam is also the religion of strength. Muslims are aware of the fact that the world is not an ideal world to live in. Evil and corruption exists in this world. Muslims must always be consistent in preserving themselves from vice.
Islam is not the religion of war. Muslims are prohibited from initiating war unless it is purely self-defense. Muslims are encouraged to prepare themselves and arm themselves with know-how to safeguard their dignity and interests. Preparation and readiness is crucial in deterring others from taking advantage of weaknesses. The greatest deterrence to war is strength. The greatest defense is knowledge. The state of readiness to defend is stipulated in chapter al-Anfal, verse 60-64 of the Quran which orders Muslims to be always prepared.
In terms of acquiring strength for self-defense through the possession of weapons, Islam does not prohibit it. Islam is not antithetical to the principle of self-defense. However, in term of possessing weapons which cause mass destruction, Islam strictly prohibits this, for Allah warns against creating mischief on this earth. As a matter of fact, Muslims are commended to make every effort to cater to the people’s welfare.
In relation to this, it was reported that when the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, would dispatch an army, he would command them, “Do not mutilate anybody, nor kill any minor or woman….”. Similarly, the first Caliph, Abu Bakr as-Siddiq used to say “Do not mutilate, do not kill a minor, a child or a man of advanced age or a woman, do not hew down a date-palm nor burn it, do not cut down a fruit tree, do not slaughter a goat or cow or camel except for food. Maybe you will pass by people who have secluded themselves in convents, leave them in their seclusion”.
Nuclear weapons is an abuse of technology developed by the West. This technology has been widely exported around the world for huge profits. The non-proliferation treaty (NPT), signed after WWII, is the manifestation of double-standards adopted by the major powers to control the less-developed nations.
The use of weapons of mass destruction, like nuclear and chemical weapons, are prohibited in Islam. This is due to the nature of these weapons that cannot differentiate between the good and the evil. By this principle, the use of these type of weapons is not justified and must be condemned at all costs. This is substantiated by the ruling in the Quran in chapter al-Isra, verse 33, which strictly prohibits wrongful and unjust killing.
It is acknowledged that reciprocity is a principle known to all members of the international community. Possession of weapons of mass destruction by one encourages the other to possess such weapons with the intention of inflicting the same consequence. This will lead to an arms race, the abuse and smuggling of weapons.
If the international community whishes to rid the world of nuclear catastrophe, all citizens of the world must unite through massive peaceful anti-nuclear demonstration. The possession of weapons of mass destruction creates an arms races among nations. Some nations are pushed and put under great pressure to possess such weapons for its own security.
The process must be done justly, in the sense that as the world’s strongest nations lay a ban on the possession of such destructive weapons, we cannot turn blind eye to those who already possess them and are not ready to get rid of them.
There should be a universal ban on the testing, development and possession of nuclear and all weapons of mass destruction. All countries including the US, Russia, Britain, France, Israel, China, India and Pakistan and all other declared or undeclared nuclear nations, must take the first initiative to destroy these weapons. Nations of the world must also abide by the rule that nuclear technology is only to be used for humanitarian and peaceful purposes. Let us unite to heal the world.