DAEI is an Arabic word referring to Muslims who convey the message of Islam to others. This task of inviting people towards good and forbidding people from evil is also known as dakwah.
In general, dakwah is a task for all Muslims. The form of dakwah that is conducted varies with each Muslim, depending on ability and knowledge.
In essence, the task of takmuruuna bil ma’ruf wa tanhauna `anil munkar (enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong) forms the core of dakwah.
To put it in simple terms, Islam is a religion of dakwah. The faith of Islam is set forth as a way of life for all � a gift from Almighty God in order to bring success for mankind both in this world and the hereafter. This is the reason why prophets are appointed by God so that mankind could follow the right path while steering clear of the path of destruction.
The Quran is explicit in this matter. Referring to the last of the prophets, Muhammad bin Abdullah, in verse 107 of Surah al-Anbiya’, it is stated to the effect that: “We sent thee not, but as a mercy for all creatures.” This is further elaborated in verse 28 of Surah Saba’ when God says, thus: “We have not sent thee but as a universal (Messenger) to men, giving them glad tidings, and warning them (against sin), but most men understand not”.
The task of dakwah’ which was originally carried out by Prophet Muhammad ‘ is now undertaken by the Muslims of today. Their success in spreading the message of Islam has seen it becoming the “fastest growing religion” in the world.
We are now in the first years of the new century and the new millennium. Times have changed. And this significant change is vastly due to the advances made in the area of science and technology.
To be more specific, the develop-ment and rapid progress made in information and communication technology (ICT) has contributed towards the change that we witness happening today.
With these changes, the challenges for Muslims as well as the rest of the world have become bigger.
ICT has become a major catalyst for the process of globalisation. The world today has shrunk because time and distance are no longer major factors in communications.
Thus, the notion of a global village, where we can now commu-nicate at blinding speed with the click of a button.
These changes and challenges mean the approach to dakwah must also be adjusted accordingly. People who carry out the task must be aware of the changes, while at the same time know the challenges that this development brings.
At the same time, the daei must also make full use of the new methods and tools available for success.
During a workshop co-organised by Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malay-sia and IKIM recently, this point was stressed to participants involved in the task of conducting dakwah. One of the speakers, Ustaz Muhammad Uthman El-Muham-mady, who is IKIM’s Distinguished Fellow, shared his personal expe-rience of dakwah in the age of information.
According to him, today’s daei must utilise ICT in order to achieve success in conducting dakwah. A daei must rely on ICT for two reasons.
First, ICT has now provided ways for a daei to gather information, conduct research and keep abreast with the latest issues in society.
Secondly, ICT has also provided a platform for dakwah. The message of enjoining good and forbidding evil can now be transmitted using the latest tools of ICT. Electronic mail, the Internet and multimedia could not be utilised for the purpose of dakwah. As such, it is necessary for the daei of the 21st century to be equipped with the knowledge of ICT.
This new breed of daei who utilises ICT for dakwah is dubbed “techno-daei”, crucial for the further success of dakwah.
Another speaker during the work-shop, Dr Khairul `Azmi Mohamad, the Head of Information and Research of the Johor State Govern-ment, pointed out three benefits of utilising ICT for dakwah.
As stated earlier, ICT breaks down barriers and borders. As such, the message of Islam to be transmitted using ICT could be sent to thousands, if not millions, of people across the globe in a short period of time using very little resources at a consi-derably lower cost. This no doubt allows for an increase in efficiency of achieving the aims of dakwah.
This efficiency is not only in terms of cost, but also in other aspects such as energy and time. To be efficient is very much in line with Islamic teaching. Hence, by utilising ICT and its tools for dakwah, the daei is actually providing a living example of the importance of efficiency in day-to-day activities.
The second benefit of using modern tools for dakwah is that it can increase productivity.
To be productive is also empha-sised by Islam. Islam views produc-tivity as essential. If dakwah acti-vities can be seen as productive, then people will see the beauty of Islam in that Islam stresses the importance of practising what is being preached.
The third benefit obtained of utilising ICT for dakwah is that it can assist in improving the quality of dakwah. We know for a fact that ICT provides many tools, gadgets and means for information dissemi-nation and communication. These manifestations of ICT, if used wisely and properly, could assist the daei in delivering the Islamic message better.
The Islamic message could be packaged in ways that could attract the interest of certain groups of people that may be more inclined towards modern tools and gadgets. The way in which dakwah is conducted could also be more interesting and attractive with the usage of multimedia and the Internet, for instance.
As such, it is imperative that this new breed of daei is created. If this is not done, then it will be very difficult for Muslims to spread the message of Islam, increase understanding of Islam and, at the same time, correct the image of Islam that is often distorted and manipulated.
ICT has provided a level playing field for all to make full use of it and to reap great benefits from this technology. Muslims cannot afford to ignore this lest they be left further behind in the scheme of things.
A new breed of daei able to understand and keep abreast with the advancement and development of technology would then be able to make full use of it in disseminating the true understanding on Islam. This new breed can tackle the issues surfacing in this modern society.
Therefore, it is important that efforts towards the creation of this new breed of daei be started now. The future of Islam very much hinges on the “techno-daei”.