IN the Quran, Allah says: “O people! Eat of what is on earth, lawful and good and do not follow the footsteps of the evil one, for he is to you an avowed enemy.” (2:168).
This verse gives emphasis on the ethics of spending for consumption purposes. The characteristic of the evil one or godless individual is one who, when he spends, he over-consumes.
He involves himself in extravagance or becomes involved in spending in immoral ways – for prohibited purposes contradicting religious teachings.
Thus individual spending and lifestyle are intimately related to the values in Islam. The importance of abiding by religious values in leading one’s life is to ensure that one is at peace with oneself and is progressing.
The key words that one needs to understand about leading a religious life is not to become involved in the extravagance of luxurious living and also not to participate in wrongful spendings.
Wrongful spendings and involvement in luxurious living are not only unproductive and can cause harm to the individual concerned, but can also create social instability. They are bad for the economy, too.
Leading a religious life does not imply one is against material prosperity and development. Allah, in the Quran, has mentioned in very clear terms: “Say: Who has forbidden the beautiful (gifts) of God which He has produced for His servants and the things clean and pure (which He has provided) for sustenance.” (7:32).
The Quran insists that the beautiful and good things of life are really meant for, and should be, the privilege of those who have faith in God.
According to Islam, everything in this world is being created for man. Man should benefit from the material prosperity but be moderate in leading his life in this world.
This principle of moderation is very important for man to adopt. It inculcates in man a balanced and dynamic personality.
It develops a well-rounded character where all aspects of his nature are fully being given the right attention, viz his spiritual and material needs.
A complete and well-developed person can be dynamic and can contribute in all areas of human activities, including the economic aspects.
The importance of practising Islamic values in leading one’s life is to ensure one is really achieving real success in this world and that this will be followed by success in the hereafter.
This well-rounded lifestyle will harmonise the material and spiritual needs and also the individual’s interest and social responsibilities. A well-respected Muslim economist, Prof Nejatullah Siddiqi, is of the opinion that a well-rounded life will ensure peace of mind, contentment and a sense of security.
And it is such a state of mind that is favourable to the building of a healthy, moral and spiritual atmosphere for progress. The religious approach to living can develop within an individual the sense of real purpose of life. It fulfils all aspects of human needs and develops the need for continuous struggle in all aspects of human endeavours.
In order to maintain the momentum for social progress, the spirit of struggle must continuously be nurtured among members of society. The loss of a sense of idealism among members of society normally develops when individuals are corrupted and are preoccupied with luxurious living.
In the present materialistic society, the yardstick for success is always related to material affluence and luxurious
living. It is very wrong to measure individual success and social status with a luxurious lifestyle.
This not only contradicts the religious requirement, but is also a great negative contribution to economic performance and development.
The willingness to work hard for continuous improvement will not be able to be sustained by a society if most of its members are living luxurious lifestyles.
It is a common phenomenon in affluent societies that the numbers of those living below poverty line are alsosubstantial. They would be very demoralised if the well-to-do were wasting their wealth on luxurious living.
Conditions of social inequity in a society can create social disequilibrium, which eventually can act as an obstacle to social progress.
In the present challenging economic condition facing our country, it is high time for every member of our society,
particularly the affluent, to review their lifestyles.
It is not only to allow us to maintain the present economic condition but also to enhance our momentum to build a strong and stable society. A strong society will minimise unnecessary waste of resources, time and energy.
It is a law of nature that the life of man is full of struggle. To lead a religious life requires an in-depth understanding of religious virtues and strong willpower.
The temptation to spend during the present festive seasons will be very great. We need to have high discipline to enable us to lead our life according to our needs.
Human lust can only be softened and be guided through spiritual exercises. Religious fasting practised by Muslims during Ramadan is a good spiritual exercise.
Desire and lust, if they are guiding us, will not be able to fulfil all our requirements. It is natural that human desire can never be satisfied. A desire-oriented society can contribute to high consumption. This can be detrimental to the society’s development.
The needs-oriented strategy can discipline us to lead a simple life and to live within our means.
Our needs are basically limited. What is unlimited is our desire. The desire is normally being influenced by our lust. The purpose of fasting during Ramadan is to educate man to place his lust in the right perspective.
Islam does not insist in suppressing human lust. Something that is naturally within man has its own function.
The Islamic approach is to educate man to use his lust for right action, that is through leading a moderate living.