Prof. Emeritus Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Ahmad Mohamed Ibrahim (d. 1999) hardly needs any introduction especially among the legal fraternity in this country. His vast contributions in the development of the Malaysian judicial and legal systems, both civil and Islamic, draw notable recognition and acknowledgement from many.
A considerable number of individuals-from all ranks and walks of life-hold him dear. He is also instrumental to various institutions, namely the University of Malaya (UM), particularly its Faculty of Law, and similarly with the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM).
Such a high regard for him and acknowledgement of his achievements are reflected during and after his lifetime. Apart from various honorific titles conferred, a number of academic awards were bestowed upon him, including the Allama Muhammad Iqbal Medal (1979), Professor of Law (IIUM, 1983), Professor Emeritus (UM, 1984), the Tokoh Maal Hijrah Award (1988) and the Tun Abdul Razak Award (1992).
In addition, the naming of the law library at UM after his name (1999), the naming of the Kulliyyah of Laws at IIUM after his name (2000), and a series of Memorial Lectures inaugurated by IKIM in 2000 and continued by IIUM till today bear testament to this recognition.
Two early noteworthy publications in honour of Ahmad Ibrahim were: M. B. Hooker’s Malaysian Legal Essays (MLJ, 1986); and Makalah Undang-Undang Menghormati Ahmad Ibrahim (DBP, 1988).
In recognition and honour of Prof. Ahmad Ibrahim, in 1992, the Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM) appointed him a member of its Board of Directors, an appointment he held until he breathed his last.
The Institute also successfully published two remarkable books comprising various articles by him, namely a 711-page Pentadbiran Undang-undang Islam di Malaysia (1997), and another distinctive work, a 734-page The Administration of Islamic Law in Malaysia (2000), which was published posthumously.
The high esteem and respect paid to such a man has been shared by people ranging from the uppermost echelons to the lowest levels of society-royals, academicians, religious figures, bureaucrats, civil servants, politicians, corporate leaders, professionals, students, etc.
It seems that his legacy never ceased to illuminate others.
In further recognition of such an intellectual wealth, IKIM has undertaken another effort to acknowledge the various roles played and learned contributions made by Prof. Ahmad Ibrahim.
To this end, a project to write his biography was initiated at IKIM in August of 2002. Datuk Dr. Abdul Monir Yaacob, IKIM’s Deputy Director-General at the time, was entrusted and commissioned to spearhead its research and related works.
After a few years, the project appeared to grind to a halt, probably due to a change in IKIM’s leadership. Considering the relevance of such a work for such a figure, the new Director-General, Dr. Syed Ali Tawfik al-Attas, is now intensifying efforts to ‘revive’ the project.
Under the patronage of IKIM’s Chairman, Ybhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri (Dr.) Ahmad Sarji Abdul Hamid, it is now designated a collaborative work, a ‘Festschrift,’ tentatively entitled “Ahmad Ibrahim: Sebuah Biografi Dan Telaah Pemikiran.”
It will be prepared mainly in Bahasa Malaysia. As is obvious, there will be two parts: biographical and intellectual. The former will be written entirely in Bahasa whereas the latter is open to a reasonable amount of English (if necessary).
The project has been revised and resumed on a greater scale. It’s not merely biographical in nature, but far more importantly, intellectual. The scope of this project as reflected in its objectives is as follows:
To gather as much information as possible reflecting Ahmad Ibrahim’s noble personality and scholarly contributions, to the extent of ‘leaving no stone unturned;’
To record a comprehensive study on Ahmad Ibrahim’s character, thought and contribution;
To reveal the unknown dimensions of Ahmad Ibrahim’s life and thought through various personal encounters and anecdotes, enabling more people to better cherish, appreciate and acknowledge his contributions;
To identify Ahmad Ibrahim’s unaccomplished ideas;
To rediscover, re-deliberate, reinforce and continue manifesting Ahmad Ibrahim’s unfulfilled intellectual ideas, vision and mission;
To provide an avenue for critical evaluations and analytical intellectual appraisals of Ahmad Ibrahim’s ideas and thoughts; and
To better assert Ahmad Ibrahim’s position in the world of academia.
The accomplishment of this project relates to two main components: (i) a two-day national seminar on Ahmad Ibrahim’s scholarly contributions and intellectual thought; and ultimately, (ii) the publication of a tributary Festschrift.
As the Project’s Coordinator and on behalf of IKIM, I invite all interested parties, either individually or in group, to participate by contributing learned articles for the aforementioned seminar and Festschrift.
These contributions may be on any aspect or dimension of Ahmad Ibrahim’s life and character, his ideas and thoughts, or a combination of both. Personal encounters may provide useful information and insight into his personality which may also reflect his intellectual qualities.
All written contributions must not exceed 35 pages (unless extremely justifiable by contents), using A4 size paper, double spaced, with footnotes, keyed in Microsoft Word format using Times New Roman font, size 12.
The proposed seminar will be held tentatively on the 21-22 August 2007. Any learned contributions intended for this seminar must be preceded by an abstract of 200-250 words. It must be sent to the Secretariat before the 15th of Dec. 2006. Full articles must be received by the 30th of June 2007.
A hard copy and a diskette of each article are to be sent by post to: The Secretariat, Ahmad Ibrahim Project, Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM), 2 Jalan Tunku, Off Jalan Duta, 50480 Kuala Lumpur. Abstracts and articles may also be electronically sent to: [email protected].
Of all papers received, about 50 selected articles will be chosen and will be scrutinized for various aspects of Ahmad Ibrahim’s ideas and thought for deliberation in the seminar. The selected contributors will be notified accordingly. These learned writings will be edited and published to constitute the intellectual part of the Festschrift.
Parties interested to take part in the seminar as participants will have to pre-register themselves at: Details are available in the site.
Prof. Ahmad’s ideas, thought and academic contributions cover a vast area of interests to include, inter alia, civil and public service; university law teaching/ establishment/programmes; family law; constitutional law; Islamic law in the Malaysian legal system; islamization of law; Malaysian common law; amalgamation of civil and syariah courts; legal issues like whether Malaysia is an Islamic state; the position of syariah court; murtad; etc.
Contributions in any of these areas and issues, or on other related matters, are highly welcomed.
The writing and publication of the Festschrift is the most important part of the whole Project. It will make use of the work prepared by Datuk Dr. Abdul Monir and his team, with necessary improvements/modifications.
With all the appropriate inputs from this earlier work, the Festschrift aspires to incorporate as much information as possible with relevant comments and analyses based on all contributions sent to the Secretariat, the deliberations, findings and conclusions of the proposed Seminar and the results and outcome of all other related research and surveys.
This preliminary announcement will be followed by other promotional efforts. More necessary detailed information may be obtained from the web site specially created for this project:
For further information, inquiries and suggestions, kindly communicate with me at: 03-6204 6332 (D/L), or email: [email protected].