Erti Kebebasan Kewangan

Pengurusan kewangan peribadi banyak memperkatakan tentang “Kebebasan Kewangan” atau  “Financial Freedom”. Ungkapan ini sering diperkatakan oleh penasihat kewangan profesional. Apakah ertinya mencapai “Kebebasan Kewangan?” Menurut pakar kewangan peribadi, kebebasan kewangan konvensional mempunyai maksud berbeza bagi individu yang berbeza. Ada yang menganggap kebebasan kewangan bererti  100% bebas hutang. Ada pula berpendapat kebebasan kewangan bererti banyak wang…

Sustainable Halal Food Industry

On many occasions, the Malaysian Muslim consumers have been called to boycott some popular household food products. Reasons for the boycott may be caused by either non-halal ingredients used in the food products or the products are made by countries which support the oppressions of fellow Muslims worldwide. Such a reaction is typical of Malaysian…

The Nobility of A Peacemaker

Written by Encik Mohamad Azhar bin Hashim.  Posted in  One of the good deeds that are highly enjoined in the teaching of Islam is for one to take the role of a peacemaker when there is conflict among members of the society. Islam recognises the nobility of a sincere peacemaking effort to reconcile any dispute…

The Social Entrepreneurs

Interest in the area of social entrepreneurship has gained momentum in recent years. Many studies have been commissioned in this area, including comparative studies to provide clarity between the concept of conventional entrepreneurship with that of social entrepreneurship, and also social entrepreneurship with that of not-for-profits activities, such as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives, charity…

Memupuk Gaya Hidup Berhemat

Memupuk gaya hidup berhemat adalah suatu aspek penting sekarang ini untuk mencapai kemapanan ekonomi isi rumah. Secara ringkasnya, memupuk gaya hidup berhemat ialah membentuk kesedaran pengguna untuk berbelanja secara berhemat, iaitu mengikut keperluan dan kemampuan diri sendiri, keluarga dan bukan semata-mata didasari oleh kemahuan dan keinginan semata-mata. Dengan lain perkataan, memupuk gaya hidup berhemat  berkait…

Independence is a Blessing

Far from being promised of “gold mines”, “the moon”, “the sun” or “the stars”, Malaysians have been blessed with prosperity, peace and happiness, since the country achieved its independence 57 years ago. More often than not, we tend to be lulled by the comfort and wealth we acquired. Though we may have forgotten to express…

Leveraging On The Cyberspace

Our life is becoming more interesting and enjoyable in recent times—thanks to the advancement in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), which have brought us the cyberspace via the advent of internet and the social media. To a large extent, our activity is now confined within the cyberspace, boosted by unabated inventions and innovations of ICT…