Memahami Takrif Ilmu

Berkenaan makalah “Meeting to sort out creation poser” (The Sun, 14hb Disember 2006), berikut dikemukakan beberapa ulasan yang perlu diberi perhatian. Makalah tersebut melaporkan rasa kurang senang individu-individu tertentu terhadap Kementerian Pelajaran dan Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) kerana menerbit dan menggunakan-untuk kurikulum sains Tahun Lima-buku teks baru yang mengandungi ayat “semua benda hidup adalah…

Essence of Islamic Deposits

WHEN depositors put their monies in wadiah deposit or savings accounts held at Islamic financial institutions, it may be assumed that their purpose in taking such a decision is safe custody rather than investment. As owners of the money so deposited, their position according to Islamic law is that of real owners; they are not…

Right Formula Vital for “sukuk”

IT HAS almost been more than four years since this writer presented a paper on muqarada sukuk at an Islamic finance conference. The circumstances at that time were different from the present day where the term sukuk made its debut on the capital market. Sukuk literally means “pieces of paper” or “document that acknowledges something.” In a commercial sense it…

Noble Values in Endowment

FROM an Islamic perspective, wakaf or endowment as an institution, begins with a noble intention to do good deeds for the benefit of oneself and others.  On the one hand, wakaf is a dedication made by one person for the benefit of others, with the intention that the dedicator be entitled to a continuous reward from Allah the Creator…

Free to act within limits set by Allah

ISLAMIC Law knew from the outset the distinction between public and private law.  Although there had been no classification of wrongful acts into crimes and torts as such, yet the notion of civil and criminal liabilities were all too manifest in the Islamic doctrine of huquq Allah and huquq al-Ihad. Al-Taftazani defines haq Allah as that which concerns the public…

Islam Tuntut Umat Usahakan Pertanian Hingga Akhir Zaman

KEPENTINGAN bidang pertanian pada pandangan Islam dapat dilihat daripada banyaknya ayat al-Quran yang menyebutkan mengenai hasil tanaman dan buah- buahan yang pelbagai.  Kegiatan pertanian dari aspek akidah dapat mendekatkan diri seseorang kepada Allah. Hal ini kerana tanda kebesaran Allah dapat dilihat dengan jelas dalam proses kejadian tumbuh-tumbuhan atau tanaman.  Melakukan usaha pertanian lebih membuatkan seseorang…