It is found that issues of environmental and ecosystem degradation today is rooted in the attitude of some who are not concerned and sensitive to other beings on earth. The situation is exacerbated when materialistic interests take precedence over the interest of preserving natural resources. It has resulted in the threat of destruction which is even more acute and alarming, and difficult to stop.
This threat to ecosystem diversity cannot be allowed to continue as the fear is that it will invite even greater consequences to humans and environment. Therefore, proactive and continuous remedial actions need to be taken especially involving the diversity of ecosystems that accommodate the treasures of biodiversity.
In this context, ecological restoration is important as a process of helping the restoration of ecosystems that have been damaged or destroyed. The restoration process aims to restore the natural ecosystem in terms of species gathering, food web and healthy ecological function.
Ecological restoration can include both passive and active strategies. Passive restoration strategies include management actions that protect habitats and enable natural restoration and improvement of ecological function. These strategies include marine protected areas or forest ecosystem protected areas promoting herbivorous growth or reducing pollution both at sea and land.
Meanwhile, active restoration is a strategy that comprises direct interaction that aims to accelerate the process of restoring an ecosystem that involves strategies such as tree replanting and ecosystem clean-up activities.
Restoration of damaged and destroyed ecosystem is crucial to prevent the extinction of flora and fauna, ensuring humans have access to clean and unpolluted water sources, and prevent the destruction of green ecosystem which in turn contributes to global warming.
The process of ecosystem restoration is no longer an option, instead it is a must that should be done to maintain and restore the balance of the ecosystem. Humans should be aware that the diversity of such a unique ecosystem bestowed by Allah SWT is to be enjoyed wisely, rather than greedily violated and causing destruction.
It is time for human beings to realize that damage to the ecosystem is due to failure in discharging their responsibilities and role as a vicegerent in the true sense as advocated by Islam. Therefore, we should try to understand this role in depth and improve our weaknesses in order that the task of restoration and preservation of the environment and ecosystem can be done in the best possible way.
Meanwhile, we have been provided with some important concepts which need to be emphasized in the preservation and conservation of the environment and ecosystem as demanded by Islam.
The first concept is tawhid, which is the belief and faith wholly to God the Almighty. In this context, a strong faith in Allah SWT constitute an important element which can prevent us from exploiting resources in the ecosystem beyond limits. In fact, a person who truly believes in Allah SWT will always remember every deed on earth will be judged in the hereafter. This will be an important stimulus for human to prevent them from doing any damage on earth.
Secondly, Islam outlines the concept of sharia, which involves the core of Islamic law covering all aspects of human life. In the aspect of environmental and ecosystem conservation, one of the most basic sharia principles is the declaration of the Prophet Muhammad SAW that “cannot damage and cannot sustain damage”. This means we cannot do any damage on earth, and if damage occurred, we need to restore the situation so that the damage does not continue.
Next is the concept of knowledge. As a step towards the conservation of the environment and ecosystem, knowledge is important to be emphasized. This is because, only people who are knowledgeable and practice the knowledge will not do anything that can damage and harm themselves, society and the environment. We need to read a lot, observe and study the environment in order to become human beings who appreciate the environment and ecosystem, and be innovative to ensure its balance and continuity can be maintained.
In addition, there is the concept of vicegerency. This concept is very important to humans especially in protecting the environment and ecosystems. When human beings realize they are vicegerents, they will not arbitrarily damage the environment and ecosystem. Instead, they will care, manage and develop the components as best as they can, just like taking care of themselves so that the environment and ecosystem will be more sustainable.
Finally is the concept of morality. Morality is the most important aspect of environmental management and conservation. This is because, only morality can determine whether an action by a human being is good or bad. If one’s morals are noble, his actions will lead to goodness and harmony, and vice versa. In the concept of preservation and conservation of the environment, noble qualities such as love, cleanliness, responsibility and other virtuous attitudes are very important in protecting the environment and ecosystem in the best possible way.