The run-up to the Malaysia Budget 2018 is just ten days away. Many Malaysians harbour the hope for better opportunities for a self-sustained and peaceful living by leaving their comments on the Budget 2018 official website.
The Budget 2018 is categorised under 14 different themes—housing and urban living, rural development, health care and cost of living among others. The website has been receiving numerous suggestions and views on how to improve the current state of the nation. Even though all theme categories are undeniably significant, in terms of ‘inclusiveness’ the ‘social welfare theme’ is pivotal in thrusting our nation to a higher level in achieving a developed nation status by 2020.
Under the social welfare theme, the disabled, the disadvantaged, the elderly and the poor are some of the targeted groups to be given assistance by special programmes. On the website, many Malaysians have raised the importance of increasing the current allowance for the targeted groups to be commensurate with the standard cost of living. Others also have highlighted inadequate infrastructures for the group including education, rehabilitation centres, public transportation and job opportunities.
As special needs individuals, they would not be denied from enjoying life peacefully, using the same infrastructure and most importantly, to be addressed with love and kindness. Allah states in Surah al-Fath verse 17 which means, “No sin is there upon the blind, nor is there sin upon the lame, nor is there sin upon the sick [that they turn away from fighting in Allah’s cause]. And whosoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, He will admit him to Gardens [of Paradise] beneath [whose trees] rivers flow; and whosoever turns back, He will chastise him with a painful torment.” The verse proclaims that the special needs groups are neither to be blamed (for their inadequacies) nor are they seen as a burden. Rather, they are to be treated with just and kindness as the world is merely transient and a place of test for man.
Such is the treatment that should be accorded to the special needs group. On the flip side of the coin, individuals who care for them—the caretakers—should not be taken for granted or overlooked either. For, caretakers are the ones who make much sacrifice just so they can fulfil the special needs individuals. No longer are they able to earn for their own livelihood as their full attention are given to their special needs dependents who may be bedridden, aggressive to others or to themselves, suffering from Alzheimer’s and Dementia, require special care and others. Indeed, it is extremely hard to find any special needs helper or special care centre to take over the responsibilities of the caretakers if they have to spend time to earn a living for their own survival.
In such cases, most caretakers are the next of kin to the special needs individuals. Once the caretakers bear the responsibility to cater for the special needs individuals, many choose to resign from their existing jobs. Without any source of income, and when their savings are depleted, they would eventually face financial difficulties. Some may do work from home but, the conditions might not be suitable or becoming for each and every case.
In Islam, the care and attention for special needs individuals are the responsibility of close family members or the next-of-kin unless they are incapable of doing so or in the absence of any relative. One of the hadiths by Prophet Muhammad also stresses the responsibility of individuals towards his or her dependents including family members. Each individual shall be questioned on the day of Judgement on the responsibilities entrusted upon him or her with regard to their dependents.
In the case when one is incapable of caring for the special needs individual or in an absence of the next of kin, then the responsibility falls under the society and the government. As far as many states in the world are concerned, allocations are reserved for special needs individuals. Malaysia, for one, provides allowance in the form of special needs individuals, but none are allotted as ‘caretaker allowance’. Granted that caretakers may be assisted by other indirect means like tax exemption for income tax returns and special leave or time off during employment. Indeed, such provisions are more suitable for those working. Hence, what are provisions offered for full time caretakers?
In the United Kingdom, a carer allowance is disbursed for those who care for certain groups of individuals including the special needs. Caretakers need not be necessarily related to the special needs individual but must fulfil several conditions like minimum age, minimum hours of care per week and the allowance is disbursed on a weekly basis.
Such an initiative can be seen in three different ways. First, to give financial assistant to full time caretakers so as to allow them to earn some income for themselves. Second, to create jobs for the society especially in looking after special needs individuals without next of kin. Third, to retain special needs individuals within the society to live life as any other person rather than in government care centres. Of course, to come up with such a specific programme in Malaysia requires a strong and good monitoring system so as to avoid any mismanagement especially when it is related to special needs individuals who lack the powers of self decision-making or justification.
The challenges as full time caretakers for special needs individuals are immense. Not all caretakers succeed in the journey to give assistance and love needed by their dependents. Some may suffer from emotional adverse effects due to the lack of social support rendered to them. Many of such cases are played out in the global scenario of special needs individuals who are left abandoned by their own next of kin due to burden and stigma. In such a case, blaming the next of kin cum caretakers alone would not overcome the problem. Rather most importantly, it’s the much-needed assistance and support from the community and government that will ease them of their huge responsibility.
Indeed, ‘inclusiveness’ in a nation poses not only a challenge to our economy but also humanity. For the impending Malaysian 2018 Budget, we really hope to see a tremendous impact to all especially the special needs group and their caretakers for future betterment.