FRIDAY, July 6, 2001, marked another milestone in the history of the Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (Ikim) when Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad officially launched, the institute’s own radio station.
This important landmark in the nine years since the establishment of Ikim signals yet another achievement for the institute.Ikim was established with the aim of enhancing the true understanding of Islam among Muslims and non-Muslims. The institute aims to dispel negative images often associated with Islam.
Images of terrorism, poverty, anti-development, extremism, famine, civil war, strife and the like are often conjured up in the media as images of Islam.
This, in truth, is a distortion of true Islamic teachings that encourage peace, harmony, understanding, co-operation, moderation and tolerance.
The task of correcting negative images of Islam is understandably huge, but so far, Ikim has succeeded to a certain extent in correcting the images at both national and intenational level.
This can be seen in the participation of many scholars and practitioners in various fields from within and outside Malaysia.
The institute has also established itself as a respected Islamic institution in both Muslim and non-Muslim countries.
Various memoranda of understanding and programmes organised jointly by Ikim with many foreign and local institutions and establishments further enhance Ikim’s role in promoting the true understanding of Islam.
Countless visits by foreign dignitaries serve as testament to the important role Ikim has to play in correcting misinformation about Islam.
Over the nine years since the setting up of the institute–a brainchild of the Prime Minister–Ikim has conducted intellectual programmes in the form of seminars, conferences and round-table discussions.Ikim is going down to the ground by conducting the programmes at state level in the hope that knowledge gained by the masses through the programmes would benefit them.
This led to the establishment of Ikim’s east coast branch in Kuantan which was opened by the Sultan of Pahang last year.
The proceedings of the seminars, conferences and discussions have been published in books so that more people can reap the benefits of the programmes.Also, the institute formed a training and consultancy centre in early 2000 to cater to demands from organisations and institutions, both public and private, to conduct team-building courses, motivational talks and other activities in the perspective of Islam.
Of course, the main thrust of Ikim is its centres which conduct research on issues of concern to Muslims.
Research findings are made known through seminars, publications and reports.
The radio station provides yet another platform for Ikim to play a significant role.It is hoped the station will convey Ikim’s message to a bigger percentage of the population.
The public can now be informed, on the activities and researches that Ikim undertakes. In this way, the public will better appreciate and understand Ikim’s role. will play an important role in spreading the message of Islam, or, using the Arabic term, dakwah.
It is in tune with God’s directive in verse 125 of Surah al-Nahl which says: “Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching.”
Doubtless, the radio programmes will have to use an effective approach to attract listeners.The station is on air 24 hours a day with programmes incorporating elements of information, entertainment and creativity to disseminate a true understanding of Islam.The programmes cater to listeners of various backgrounds. There are programmes for children, teenagers and women, and those wanting information on latest economic developments and Islamic jurisprudence.
The station is yet another platform that, used effectively and wisely, will succeed in meeting Ikim’s objectives.
After all, with advancements in information and communication technology, it was only logical for Ikim to embark on the is the first Islamic-based radio station to use latest digital broadcasting equipment.
This is in line with the institute’s stance that Muslims must utilise the latest technology for the betterment of the ummah.
In the near future, the public will be able to listen to the station on the Internet as well as plans are afoot to webcast The station is part of Ikim’s continuing effort to face challenges brought about by globalisation.The breakdown of geographical and political boundaries has resulted in an information avalanche that has brought values, norms, news and information against the precepts of Islam.
This has resulted in confusion and misunderstanding among non-Muslims and Muslims.
It is everyone’s hope that will address these challenges that are the consequences of globalisation.
The task is huge but there must be efforts among Muslims to undertake it. is an effort by Muslims to meet this enormous task.