Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM) telah menganjurkan International Webinar “Discourse on Islam and Biomedical Ethics: The Way Forward” secara dalam talian pada 5 Julai 2022. Tiga (3) ahli panel telah dijemput untuk membincangkan tajuk-tajuk yang penting kepada perbincangan webinar ini.
“Role of “Bridge Scholars” in Islamic Biomedical Discourse”, Dr. Shaikh Mohd Saifuddeen Shaikh Mohd Salleh, Centre for Science and Environment Studies, IKIM.

“Engaging the Field of Academic Bioethics : Contentions around “Islamic” Bioethics and Future Directions”, Prof. Dr. Aasim I. Padela, Initiative on Isalam and Medicine, United States of America.

“Outlook for Biomedical Sciences in the Muslim World” by Dr. Muhammad Ihfaz Ismail, Department of Neurosciences, School of Medical Sciences, University Sains Malaysia, USM.