HAS the Islam Hadhari approach made Muslims in Malaysia too obtrusive? Indeed, these are the few cynical and unfounded accusations made by those who negatively interpret the Islam Hadhari approach and its applicability in our society.
The Western secularist and imperial philosophies have, for centuries, altered the geopolitics, economics and societal lifestyles of peoples all over the world.
These philosophies and influences were not only alien and obtrusive but had, to a large extent, encroached and inconspicuously belittled individuals’ belief in their respective religions.
As a result, the society of today passively accepts alcoholism, pornography, pre-marital sex, gambling and deviant social behaviours, namely homosexuality, prostitution and nudity.
Although abhorred in many religions, some countries have accepted, regulated and legalised them. It has become part of the norm and is nothing peculiar to Western secular societies.
Decency, religious teachings, modesty and morality were marginalised, trampled upon and made less important in the name of modernity and contemporary advancement.
The moral and ethical teachings of all religions have, over the years, become constantly muddled in the name of absolute freedom and respect for human rights.
Let us all be reminded that believing in one’s own religion and practising it is basic to the charter of human rights.
The first principle of the Rukunnegara clearly states that one should believe in God.
Islam Hadhari has been the product of a deeply-thought-out approach by our Prime Minister to include not only his firm belief in the religion he professes but also to ensure the beliefs of others are not alienated.
The first notwithstanding, all the other nine principles laid down as principles of Islam Hadhari are glaringly universal and transcend the boundaries of all religious beliefs.
The first principle, however, should be understood and empathised in the context of Islam as the official religion and that freedom of religious belief is guaranteed to every citizen under the Federal Constitution.
Islam Hadhari has never been an approach to attempt to subjugate anyone to Islam because this is not only repugnant to the provision of the Federal Constitution but also against the fundamental principle of Islam, which prohibits compulsion.
“Islam Hadhari” or “Civilisational Islam” is not a theory nor a concept in the strict sense of the word. It is an approach or style of governing by the present leadership, based upon the universal principles of Islam.
It is an attempt to make people understand contemporary development needs in all spheres within the framework of Islam and attempts to mobilise the nation’s human capital towards progress.
Islam Hadhari is an innovative developmental methodology that hopes to provide a comprehensive and holistic approach to ensure a balanced development of the ummah.
The Islam Hadhari approach is based upon the 10 principles that are themselves derived from the five essences of the maqasid al shariah (objectives of the Islamic jurisprudence).
Thus, applying these five essences will enable the establishment and the building of a peaceful relationship among peoples in a society.
In applying the principles of Islam Hadhari, the emphasis includes the development of the individual, family, community, society and humanity irrespective of race or religion.
This can be achieved through education, human capital development, equitable economic development and the enhancement of the overall quality of life for all citizens.
Therefore, Islam Hadhari will also contribute to correcting the fallacious misinterpretations of Islam by the West and by Muslims themselves.
The Islam Hadhari approach will enable one to construct a contemporary and modern version of development, proving Islam�s veracity and capacity to meet modern challenges.
If by doing so, it is said to be obtrusive, so were Western philosophies that have characterised and shaped the contemporary world.
Islam Hadhari offers a noble and universal approach to correct the negative impact of Western philosophies that plague the present society.
It is essentially a roadmap towards the establishment of a civilisation that focuses on enhancing the quality of life of every citizen through knowledge and technological acquisition, and a balanced and sustainable development of human and physical resources.
It is adopted as a tool towards driving the nation to realise Vision 2020. What is so wrong with that?