One of the reasons for the global expansion of Islam has been its openness to all. Over the years, Muslim civilization displayed its openness in a constant dialogue with other cultures and civilizations. This openness was promoted by the spirit of religious and cultural tolerance prevailing in the expansion of the Arab-Muslim influence, which stretched from Spain to China.
The Persian wisdom and Greek reason became component parts of the Muslim spiritual culture. In conditions of political-legal and religious pluralism within the framework of Islam, the creators of the classical culture of the Arab-Muslim middle ages were not only Arabs, but also representatives of many other peoples. The illustrious Muslim scholar, Imam al-Ghazali who was a Persian and Admiral Zheng Tze, a Chinese are the few examples.
As a result of these interactions, medieval Europe was indebted to Islam and consider not only the heritage of antiquity received from the Muslim, but also the many achievements of classical Muslim in the fields of philosophy, science and culture as a component of its own culture. This soon became the impetus for the modern day civilization.
It is interesting to note, that on the basis of interaction between civilizations, independent cultures were generated and developed which simultaneously belonged to Islamic and European civilizations. The Muslim cities of Baghdad, Cairo, and Cordoba became major cultural centers which defined the course of interaction with other civilizations.
Islam contributes immensely when the West underwent the period of renaissance and made heavy borrowings from Islam between the 8th and 15th Century. Muslim Spain gather and preserve the intellectual content of ancient Greek and Roman civilization, it also interpreted and expanded upon that civilization, and made a vital contribution of its own in so many fields of human endeavor — in science, astronomy, mathematics, algebra, law, history, medicine, pharmacology, optics, agriculture, architecture, theology, music. Contributions were also made to the study and practice of medicine in ways from which Europe benefited for centuries afterwards.
In fact, many of the traits on which Europe prides itself came to it from Muslim Spain. Diplomacy, free trade, open borders, the techniques of academic research, of anthropology, etiquette, fashion, alternative medicine, hospitals, all came from the Islamic civilization.
Sad to say, now in our midst anything Islamic is sometimes often seen by few from a skeptical point of view. Although it had not reached the point of what Islam has been facing in the West in recent times, those who denies the contributions of Islam and regard Islam as a problem for the world and treating conflicts involving Muslims as necessarily their own fault, insisting that Muslims make changes to their religion, and inciting conflicts against Islam as a whole are actually Islamophobic.
This is true if we look at the reactions of some critics to the governments Islam Hadhari approach. While the majority accepts Islam Hadhari in good faith, it is precariously perceive by some as forcing Islam on the rest of the population when its true intent was to create a harmonious multiracial Malaysia.
Islam was a religion of remarkable “samahah” or tolerance. It has proved true for its time in medieval age, allowing Jews and Christians to practice their inherited beliefs, and setting an example of co-existence. There was no doubt whatsoever in accepting Islamic influence in the West then. There was also no question of mass conversion of the Christian West by the guidance and enlightenment of Islam. In return the West gained and later achieved the apex of modern day civilization.
Islam is a religion of tolerance, forgiveness and peace, aiming at universal human fraternity and coexistence. The word “samahah” connotes magnanimity, tolerance, open heartedness, forgiveness, respectfulness and generosity. The West readily and willingly adopts.
Why is then so, and now not?
Islam Hadhari was meant to enhance the quality of life of everyone irrespective of religious belief through the progressive and dynamic development in education, human capital, economy and social institutions.
The concept of irreligiousness, the philosophical and political movement that promotes the idea that society benefits by being less religious has no place in Malaysia. Malaysia cannot be secular when it has Islam as it official religion as enshrined in the Federal Constitution.
The Malays and Muslim population has never accepted secularism en bloc. Anything that is seen as secular has been accepted only if it does not contradict the fundamental belief or Muslim aqidah. It is against the basic principles of not only their faith but also is in contrast to the first principle of Rukunegara, i.e belief in God.
History has often been a witness to the recurring cycles of advancement and enlightenment of civilization in the wake of religious reformation, providing a spiritual and moral base, followed by degeneration and decline coinciding with erosion of religious mores.
Similarly, if we look back to our own history, modern day societal ailments namely moral decadence, corruption, extremism, deviant behavior, degradation of the environment and injustices signals a digression from true religious values.
It was only logical that we look back into our faith for solutions and guidance. Being the official religion, Islam offer the answer and guidance, hence the approach of Islam Hadhari understanding the present day in the framework of Islam.