Contemporary world politics depicts the truth of realist understanding concerning anarchy. Anarchy is concerned with disorder and a situation or feelings of frustration. In fact, anarchy is the creation of Realist Capitalism, an Anglo-American ideology.
Does the world we live in need anarchy in order to progress? We are told that good and efficient planning is the prime concern of every state. The ability to plan for goodness is the very basic nature of human beings. If we plan wisely, how can there be disorder. We are always told to have a contingency in order to face unforeseen circumstances. We are also told that efficient management puts a system in order. Inefficiency in management means that managers are not doing their jobs well.
Looking at the bigger picture, we can see that many unnecessary events occur around us, namely the illegal occupation of a country by an external force, war and death of innocent people. How does such thing happen when we know that those are caused by mankind alone, but it would appear that mankind is not willing to conform. Perhaps, when such calamities happen in our own courtyard will we realize the need for an immediate cessation. This is the failure of being ‘human’, a disgrace to human values that Allah s.w.t has inscribed upon us.
In 2003, Iraq was illegally occupied and Afghanistan was heavily bombarded. Both governments were toppled by external forces that betray the very concept of democracy. The move was prompted by lies and ‘legalized’ by ‘democracy’. Today, after more than five years, the war in both countries renders them politically unstable and world order is becoming more uncertain.
New wars are going to occur. The on-going nuclear issue in North Korea is still unsettled. The much debated war between Iran and the US is a hot issue in the international scene. Iran’s ambition to build a peaceful nuclear energy source is brought to the centre of world news portraying Iran as an evil state that will use its nuclear capability threaten the world. Economic sanctions have been imposed because Iran choose to disagree with the demands made by the ‘interested parties’. This will lead to even more suffering by the innocent people in Iran similar to the post Gulf War economic sanction in Iraq.
It is all about oil profits. Who controls the oil, controls the world. The world knows that Iran is rich in oil and natural gas located within the Caspian sea region. Afghanistan is located at the crossroads of oil production and is the centre of poppy production. Both have become the instrument of certain profiteers who suck the blood of innocent people.
The recent self-declared independence by Kosovo with strong backing from the United States dan the European Union may become another seed of protracted conflict leading to war in central Europe. The former Yugoslavia has claimed that US’ interference in Kosovo’s independence impeaches its sovereignty and interferes in its internal affairs. The Serbs have declared that they will regain their rights by whatever means.
The current conflict in Latin America brings Venezuela to the centre stage of world politics once again when it claimed that the US was creating tensions in the region interfering in its diplomatic relations with Columbia and Ecuador.
The Indians are being pressured by the US to finalize its nuclear program, a joint partnership project between the US and Indian governments, which may be the prelude to another seed of conflict in that region.
Pakistan is also facing political turbulence when the recent election result caused the President to be in a situation in his bid to win major support to implement his future policies.
Meanwhile in Malaysia, the post result of the 12th National Election could see another destabilizing senario if protestors question the legitimacy of certain candidates.
All these problems are endanger ‘civilians’ like us. The people in power are not worthy of being leaders when their capability and integrity are questionable. We ‘the civilians’ are those who elect them. Is there a condition today where civilians endorse violence? Is it true that we are now living in such a materialistic society that only advances personel interest instead of the interest of the people?
For the Muslim, many of these problems are rooted in the lack of wisdom and implementation of religious understanding. The people said to have knowledge, are those the most despised in today’s world. The society seems more interested in entertainment and luxury. In some instances, celebrities in the entertainment industry are those said to be kings in the making. They rule society, they dictate the way we think. Real scholars noble activities are not sought to educate the public at large. In the end, society is the loser, and the rest of the world suffers.
We are now facing the prospect of rapid increase in the cost or standard of living. The world suffers this problem. When the US dollar, a medium of transaction, is in a constant demand, the owner will ensure that demand is alive by printing more money. The abuse of this privilege is then channeled to certain irresponsible parties. This is how an entity in deficit may still survive and remain rich and powerful. When the dollar looses its value it effects our daily life. The hike in oil prices effects everyone’s day to day life, but at the same time there are people who are making huge profits. If this profit is not distributed equally to serve the needs of the poor, then more problems will arise.
Poverty is increasing around the world, yet at the same time donor countries are pouring into defenses, security, and supporting war in other countries. The United Nations seems to be only good in using two words; “concern” and “regret” without much action to correct the situation. World order needs to be revamped. Can we, ‘the civilized’ correct this? How are we going to revamp the system?