The Prime Minister today urged Malaysians to work together with the government and each other to realize a better future for the country.
In his New Year 2013 message posted in his facebook wall; Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak says ‘the future success is not a mere dream but within reach if all parties are willing to plan carefully and work hard to achieve it’.
He said the year 2012 had witnessed the end of the first phase of the transformation initiative involving the Government sector, Economics and Politics. The transformation initiative has shown very positive effects. In addressing the challenges ahead for the Year 2013, and in order to build sustainable success, he said that ‘we need to take notice and the lessons of past experience. What is good and has proven to be successful we need to go ahead and corrective action with all the weaknesses repaired. While what is proven to fail should be terminated and be exemplary thereof. To continue efforts and to ensure that the national vision of Malaysia as a high income developed countries will be achieved, we need to build on the foundation that has been laid through the National Transformation Policy’.
For the year 2013, ‘we need to build a national agenda for strengthening national unity that is the core philosophy of survival of the country, based on the 1Malaysia, People First, Performance Now.’
Second, continue to improve the well-being of the social safety net system in which every citizen of Malaysia who needs help will get it, where welfare payments and subsidies are targeted to the truly needy and reinforced by a network of family welfare institutions, corporate and religious.
Third, increase the wealth of the nation by ensuring sustainable economic growth, fiscal health and boost social movement rooted in hope, in which individual achievement is limited only by the imagination, their entrepreneurship and the extent to which the individual willingness to work hard, where creativity, innovation and willingness to take risks will bring lucrative gains.
Fourth, to ensure Malaysia would be the best place to build a life. The best place to have a family and raising children, a country that has a caring society, a strong family system, neighborhood and street safe from crime, environmental sustainability, schools and educational institutions as well as the quality of the best health care systems and capable.
He believes that the dawn will always shine Malaysia success and life of its citizens. God willing, with careful planning and thorough and effective implementation, this day will be better than yesterday today and tomorrow will promise endless possibilities.
‘Let us ask ourselves what we can do in order to determine our aspiration. There is no small or big contribution term, only the willingness to do something. The country needs us, ladies and gentlemen. Come with him to make our dreams a reality. Stand by his side for us together determine the success, Move and work with him to carve a great future, for our country and our children’.
He and the Government today will not be able to served Malaysians with the best rates without solid backing and support from the people.” Give us a clear mandate and we promise to use the faith entrusted towards building the best Malaysia for all. All this while, has proven that we met and delivered what had been promised and commitments met.”
The future of the country and of the children is too important to be staked or to be used as an experiment. Building a successful country requires continuous effort and clear direction. Bringing down a country requires only a short time but the consequences lingers. The decision lies in our hands on how the country’s future to be shaped, to which Malaysia is to be carried. Fathers and founding mothers steered Malaysia to greater heights with sweat, tears and blood. Today the onus is on our shoulders whether Malaysia continues to move forward or retreat.
Indeed Malaysia is a country where opportunity, responsibility, prosperity and values shared by all citizens, filled with millions of opportunities that lie behind various possibilities of many basic aspirations. ‘I call for all of us together to shape the destiny in realizing Malaysia to emerge as a possibility that continues to shine’.
Basically, A New Year’s resolution is a commitment that a person or leaders makes to achieve one or more goals in projecting and reforming. A key element to a New Year’s resolution that sets it apart from other resolutions is that it is made in anticipation of the New Year and new beginnings. By committing themselves to a New Year’s resolution, they generally plan to do so for the whole following year.
However, a study by Richard Wisemen (2007) from the University of Bristol involving 3,000 people showed that 14% of those who set New Year resolutions fail, despite the fact that 52% of the study’s participants were confident of success at the beginning. Men achieved their goal 22% more often when they engaged in goal setting, (a system where small measurable goals are being set; such as, a pound a week, instead of saying “lose weight”), while women succeeded 10% more when they made their goals public and got support from their friends
Quoting Frank Ra (author of the new year’s resolution book “A course in happiness” ): “Resolutions are more sustainable when shared, both in terms of with whom you share the benefits of your resolution, and with whom you share the path of maintaining your resolution. Peer-support makes a difference in success rate with new year’s resolutions”.
Where the concept of New Year’s resolutions came from? According to history,, it is believed New Year’s resolutions came from the Babylonians around 4000 years ago
From Islamic point of view, The Hijri New Year is the day that marks the beginning of a new Islamic calendar year, and is the day on which the year count is incremented. The new year day of Hijrah reminds Muslims the Hijrah (migration) of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) from Makkah to Madinah in the year 622 C.E. It is well-known that the Hijrah did not take place on the first day of Muharram, it probably occured in the month of Rabu’ul Awwal (3rd month). Also the Hijri calendar was instituted some time in the reign of Caliph ‘Umar (634-644 C.E.).
Islamic year begins with Sacrifice (hijrah of Muslims, of Prophets) and ends with Sacrifice (hajj, hijrah of Hajra, hijrah of Ummah to Makkah)
Not from someone’s birthday, or some king or ruler’s orders, but from the foundation of the Islamic community, on brotherhood and unity we begin and end
Finally, we should be grateful to those who tried very hard to build a successful country. The peace and harmony that we enjoy today is the result of their efforts. The collapse of a country can be caused by a traitor or traitors.