Peaceful co-existence implies the ability of mankind to live in harmony. As human beings, we need to have a solid understanding that diversity and plurality of cultures, ethnicities and religions are part of God’s creation of the universe and of mankind. These are signs of the greatness in His creations and must be duly appreciated. Acceptance of these differences in mankind is critical towards peaceful co-existence.
Generally, most religions believe that human beings are created with a definite purpose. In Islam, it is a principal understanding that human beings are made vicegerents or trustee of Allah SWT to manage and live on earth according to His directives. For this, the principle of Maqasid Al-Shariah (Higher Objectives of the Shariah) must be the referred guidance in upholding the role of vicegerents. This fundamental principle aptly facilitates the needs of human beings. An Islamic scholar, Muhammad Allal Al Fassi explains:
“The general higher objective of Islamic Law is to populate and civilize the earth and preserve the order of peaceful coexistence therein; to ensure the earth ongoing well-being and usefulness through the piety of those who have been placed there as God’s vicegerents; to ensure that people conduct themselves justly, with moral probity and with integrity in thought and action, and that they reform that which needs reform on earth, tap its resources, and plan for the good of all.”
As explained earlier, recognition of diversity among mankind is pertinent to ensure peaceful co-existence and mutual respect. History has proven to us that peace and stability are possible when inclusivity is the approach taken to manage diversity. Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) leadership in the pluralistic and multicultural society of Madinah is an early example of how Islam has always embraced the approach of inclusivity and promoted peaceful co-existence and harmony. Under the leadership of the Prophet in Madinah, Islam grew as a respected religion because of its moderate and balanced approach towards all communities living in the society which included all faiths and cultures, living together in a single nation. The rule of law was intact and duly observed. Local customary laws of all tribes and religions living in the society are also respected. Islam also guarantees protection of human rights, women rights, socio-cultural rights, religious freedom and rights of minorities living in the state.
It is important to realize that in order for all of us to live harmoniously and co-exist peacefully together, we need to make full use the available mechanisms to achieve those goals. Dialogue is one important channel to build better understanding of each other. The education system is also another significant platform to instil feeling of togetherness and educate the society on the importance of respect and acceptance. Everyone needs to realize that unless they learn to change the negativities that they have within themselves towards people who are religiously, culturally and ethnically different from them, peaceful co-existence can never be achieved.
Understanding the notion of peaceful co-existence is vital for a country like Malaysia where plurality of cultures and religions characterize its society. As we reflect the journey of our nation, we learn that just like any other country, there are episodes in our history that we are not proud of. However, we must take heed of the lessons learnt from each of these episodes so that we will do whatever we can to ensure they do not repeat. We need to realize that as we progress further in our path as a nation, Malaysians should be far more integrated and stronger as a society. Respect and mutual understanding must be the backbone and essence in our interactions.
Whatever differences that exist in the society be it race, religion, culture or even political preferences and ideologies, Malaysians must come together as one entity to face any challenges that come forth. For example, if the country’s sovereignty is at stake, the message of unity among the people of this country should be strong enough to indicate to the transgressors and perpetrators that Malaysians are serious when it comes to protecting its territory and independence.
History has taught us enough that the fall of many nations have been due to the disunity and disintegration of their people. Even this approach of disuniting the society was employed by the western imperialists during their colonization of countries in the east. For a country that was once colonialized by the same power, we must learn from history by not allowing the society to crumble by the elements of disunity.
Our recent Independence Day and the forthcoming Malaysia Day celebrations are again the best times for us to reflect upon our achievements and the challenges that we have gone through for more than half of a century. It is disheartening to watch other countries disintegrate into chaos and conflicts. It is also sad to see that in today’s modern world, peaceful co-existence has turn into a theory of an ideal world instead of becoming a reality in plural societies.
Therefore, it is high time for Malaysians to cherish the peace and harmony that we enjoy in this beautiful nation. We know that deep in our hearts, there is great love for the country. Thus, the younger generations must take the initiatives to protect the legacy that has been left behind for them. This legacy comes in the form of a country named Malaysia.