Currently, more than one hundred million people all around the world have been infected with Covid-19. In Malaysia, we are currently suffering from the third wave of Covid-19 with more than two hundred thousand cumulative cases and resulting in nearly one thousand death. This pandemic shows no sign of slowing down within the near future.
SARS-CoV-2, the virus that mainly transmitted through droplets generated when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or exhales has forced us to practice physical distancing in order to break the chain of infection.
Physical distancing is the new normal that we currently live in. As a result of physical distancing, many aspects of our lives have also changed. People are struggling to generate income as many of them have lost their jobs due to bad economic sector. The education sector faces a great challenge where face-to-face learning cannot be fully executed with the majority of teaching and learning is taking place online.
Religious activities also face changes as a result of physical distancing policy. Religious activities and worships especially those that involve assemblies and gatherings must adhere to physical distancing.
As a measure of compliance with this policy, Islamic religious authority provides a ruling for rows (saf) arrangement during congregational prayer to be made in line with physical distancing. According to the ruling, people who attend congregational prayer need to distant themselves at least one meter from each other during the formation of rows (saf).
However, the religious ruling to enforce the practice of physical distancing during congregational prayer has sparked a lot of debates among the public. This ruling is seen to be uncommon to the usual practice which emphasizes the importance of closing the gap between people during congregational prayer as it completes and beautifies prayer.
Due to this change, some people portray disagreement with the new practice as it is seen to greatly damage the original religious teaching. Consequently, religious authorities and experts are harshly criticized and discredited as though they are neglecting the role of preserving Islam.
Covid-19 is a new challenge for all including Muslims. During this difficult period, government and Islamic religious authorities are responsible not only for the continuity of religious teaching but also for the protection of the lives of believers.
People should respect the decision made by religious authorities and experts due to their qualifications to produce a ruling. Decision made by the experts is based on proficiency in Islamic jurisprudence and as well the understanding of current reality to ensure the safety and benefits of public. This is consistent with the Islamic legal maxim, “the action of a ruler for his people is based on their best interest.”
People are free to voice out their disagreement with the decision to practice social distancing during congregational prayer, but the disagreement must be expressed with full of ethics and preceded by a complete understanding of the whole process of the ruling.
In the normal condition, congregations are required to fill the gaps during the formation of the rows (saf) leaving no space between each of them. It is a part of the perfection and beautification of congregational prayer. Prophet Muhammad SAW said, “Straighten your rows as the straightening of rows is essential for a perfect prayer.”
However, we are asked to obey Allah within our capability. This is based on verse 16 of Surah al-Taghābun, “Fear Allah as much as you are able.” According to Sheikh Abd al-Rahman al-Sa‘di, this verse also means that the obligation is lifted in the event where people are not able to perform due to shortcomings.
In the situation of Covid-19 pandemic, it is evident through medical and scientific discovery that close contact between people will lead to the spread of the virus and consequently endangering lives especially those who are in the category of high risk. During a congregational prayer, filling and closing gaps between people will create opportunities for contagion.
In order to perform congregational prayer within the safe condition is through physical distancing during the formation of row (saf). This way, the spread of viruses among the congregation can be avoided. Although we find it uncomfortable because it opposes the common practice, we need to temporarily endure to prioritize the safety of the whole public.
Filling gaps within the rows during congregation prayer even though required, is only part of the actions that beautify and complement the congregational prayer. Inability of doing it does not cause the prayer to be invalid.
Physical distancing on the other hand is prioritized because it is necessary to stop the spread of the virus and thus protect lives. This is based on the Islamic legal maxim, “Repelling harm comes in priority over achieving benefit.” In a nutshell, the new practice for congregational prayer proposed by religious authorities and experts is based on the reality of pandemic. This current practice is temporary. It will eventually shift to normal when the pandemic subsides. As part of the public, we must strive to respect and follow the rule to expedite the process of eradicating the pandemic, so that we can return to the normal lives and normal practice of religion.