When a new government takes office in Malaysia, new policies and projects are frequently developed and implemented. These actions will very certainly result in changes to various aspects of the government entities concerned. For instance, re-laying out of the acting team, infrastructure, programme modification, etc. As such, with new initiatives will usually have financial implications.
Indeed, whatever formation of a government that governs and administers the country, the people’s well-being will unquestionably be prioritised. A stable country is one that is safe and peaceful for its citizens to live in. The peace will, therefore, create a comfortable environment for both the process of human growth and the advancement of the country’s economy. It is a country that provides foreign investors with a sense of security. In the Islamic political discipline, which is referred to as siasah shar’iyyah, the concept of maqasid al-shariah will be the basis in building a prosperous nation.
According to Dr. Ahmad al-Raysuni, an Islamic scholar, the principle of maqasid al-shariah is designed to be the goal set by the shariah to be realised because it is a vital aspect and interest for humans. The shariah objectives are the fundamental preservation of human life in this world and the next, which usually refer to five religious protections: religion, life, lineage, intellect, and property.
Building hospitals with a complete infrastructure to match the capacity of the region’s population is one example of preserving life protection. The presence of a well-equipped hospital is an attempt on the part of the government to protect the essentials of human life and human descendants. Significant evidence indicates that the hospital’s role, through its psychiatric department, is to protect the interests of the human mind or mental wellbeing.
As part of the five protections of the faith as mentioned above, there are also scholars or writings on the objectives of the shariah that also place dignity as a matter of great importance and need to be emphasised in life. An example is the drafting of laws to tackle sexual harassment at the workplace. Such a law will create a sense of security for employees to work. Should any unexpected incident were to occur, there are laws capable of protecting the human dignity.
Importantly, siasah shar’iyyah is built by Islamic intellectuals to guide the government to play its role effectively and realistically while ensuring it is under the shariah matters.
The initiatives and sustainable policies left by the previous government should be sustained if we hold that the well-being of the people is paramount. Enduring the old efforts without any prejudice is a realistic and economic action.
It does not mean that when a new leadership is to be formed, the existing efforts should be thrown away. Unless it does not benefit the people, its continuation may waste the country’s capital. This is in line with the new Prime Minister’s assertion that austerity measures will allow the government to focus on the country’s development while the people’s problems can be solved simultaneously.
Among the examples of existing initiatives that the previous government have compiled through its agency (Minister of Religion) is the concept of qawwam man. The concept is to activate the awareness among men as individuals who can uphold the responsibility of constantly being the head of the family.
Initiatives in the form of policies or related programmes are essential to remain so that a strong family institution can be built, as such an institution is one of the pillars of social stability. As stated, the importance of a peaceful life to make room for human capital and the country’s economic development process, indeed, coincide with the siasah shar’iyyah, and can achieve the objectives of the shariah.
In addition, the initiative can also be continued as it can rectify the inadequacies of the present family institutions which lead to social problems. The previous government has given serious attention to specific programmes so that the men in Malaysia have a high level of awareness, thus the ability to perform their responsibilities as leaders, protectors, and guardians to women, family members, and society. Hence, such good work and effort should remain and be sustained.
The concept of qawwam man is just one example of the previous government’s excellent work. Many more actions of the previous government can be continued to benefit the people. A government that always puts the welfare of its people first is one that obeys the will of Allah SWT, and its actions are in line with what Allah SWT mentioned in verse 156 of Surah al-A’raaf which is, “… and My mercy covers all things; so I will determine it for those who fear Allah, who pay the zakat, and those who believe in Our signs.”