The advancements in information and communication technology (ICT) has drastically revolutionised the way in which we communicate as well as access news and information.
Social media, online media and apps are so commonly used today. Without a doubt, the impact the revolution has on society is huge.
Communication is now more efficient and effective. What began as a dial-up Internet service for those who can afford it when Internet was first introduced has today become a wireless necessity for many.
For many young people, communication using land lines, telegrams and snail mails are things that are found in history books. Today, communication can take place and information can be disseminated with only a touch of the screen.
However, the ease in which people access information also comes at a price. Many people do not take the effort to check and verify the authenticity of the news and information obtained via social media.
Worst still, the attitude of “sharing is caring” results in unverified news and information being shared with others with great ease, so much so it can become viral in the social media.
In this regard, it is important that we instill the culture of tabayyun, which is to check and verify news and information before accepting them as true. Tabayyun is especially more critical if we want to share and forward information to other people.
The importance of tabayyun is mentioned in verse 6 of Surah al-Hujurat in the Quran which specifically stresses on the importance of “ascertaining the truth” of any news that we receive so that we would not bring about unwanted problems unto others unwittingly.
In inculcating the culture of tabayyun, we should keep in mind the following three points in handling information or news especially those shared using the social media.
Firstly, we must always make it a habit to check with the body or person of authority regarding the issue at hand. Unless and until we are certain that the news or information comes from a verified source, it is best not to share with others.
As an example, if we receive information which casts doubts on the halalstatus of a product, we should first verify it with the authority in charge of halal certification, in this case JAKIM, before we share the information with others.
Secondly, if we receive forwarded or shared news and information without a credible or identifiable source, chances are it is just rumour at best. Trustworthy news and information would always have its source and author which are also credible and identifiable.
On top of that, whoever that writes the news and information must be a person who must take responsibility of what is written. If something is written anonymously, then we should take it with a pinch of salt.
Thirdly, when we receive forwarded or shared news and information, always double check and counter check its authenticity. Some of the things that people share on the social media tend to be “recycled” items that have made its rounds many years before. However, when people share these today, it is as if they are the most recent news.
Some time back, people were forwarding claims that a popular chocolate flavoured energy drink is produced by mixing it with worms, while a popular sardine brand was alleged to have used frog meat to thicken its sauce.
There were also people sharing claims that a certain brand of carbonated drink was contaminated with HIV, and that a popular brand of paracetamol was poisonous.
Most definitely these claims and allegations are very serious. It is odd that these allegations never made it to the news, because if they were genuine, it would have been all over the media.
Furthermore, if indeed these claims were true in the first place, surely the relevant authorities in charge of these issues would have taken the necessary action. Even the consumer associations would have set off the alarm bell.
This is because the authorities in charge of monitoring and enforcing matters such as this (from the ministries, departments and agencies) as well as the watchdogs (such as the consumer associations) are fully aware that they carry a huge responsibility in ensuring health and safety matters as well as halal issues are not taken for granted.
Had these claims been true, the public would be alerted by the authorities and relevant bodies. It is incumbent upon the authorities and relevant bodies to carry out their responsibilities with integrity, and this includes ensuring that the public is kept informed on any critical issues and developments.
If we take the trouble to do a bit of checking on our own, we would find that these same allegations had been making its round since 2009. In other words, they are in actual effect recycled hoaxes. Unfortunately, the way in which they were shared recently made it seemed like they were recent.
If we have the choice between information shared on the social media which cannot be verified or authenticated, and an official statement from the authority on the issue at hand, it is wiser to choose the latter.
This is due to the fact that with regards to the latter, we know exactly who to hold accountable and responsible vis-à-vis the accuracy and authenticity of the information, whereas verification cannot be done in the case of the former.
While we ask the authorities to be responsible and accountable in their actions, we should also ensure that we are also responsible and accountable with the information and news that we share and forward.
This is to ensure that we do not create panic and dubiety without verifying and authenticating the information.
No doubt there is truth in the adage “sharing is caring.” However, the fact remains that when we share something that is not true, or worse, something that is purposely written with a motive to discredit others, then sharing becomes scare-mongering.
The “sharing is caring without checking” attitude does not bring about any good to anyone. Hence, it is pertinent that we be more responsible and accountable when we share news and information using the social media.
Tabayyun requires us to think before we share, and to share only information that is verified and authenticated. If we are unsure, it is best not to share or forward the information.
This is all pure common sense. Somehow, in this age of the social media, common sense is no longer common.