It is natural that every human being is very concerned about property and wealth. Because of wealth man are willing to quarrel among themselves, even with close relatives. This will not only destroy the family institution, but it will also affect the sustainable development of the Ummah in entirety. Hence, the foregoing Hadith clearly warn the Muslims of the importance of learning the Knowledge of al-Faraid so that property disputes among Muslims can be avoided, and the harmony of family institution is preserved.
“Al-Faraid” is a system of knowledge and command of Allah to the Muslims to sustain their wealth. However, the level of understanding of Muslims today in the knowledge of al-Faraid somewhat doubtful. Usually, we are reluctant to comment on this matter because maybe we do not know the in- depth knowledge pertaining to inheritance. Hence, the Hadith quoted above emphatically urge every individual Muslim to learn the knowledge of al-Faraid. Not only that, the Prophet (pbuh) also asserted that Muslims have been given the responsibility and trust not only to learn the knowledge of al-Faraid, but also to teach this knowledge to other Muslims.
Therefore, how and what we should do to respond to this Hadith of the Prophet (pbuh)? Who is ready to assume this responsibility? Responsibility to ensure that the main goal contain in the knowledge of al-Faraid can be taught, transmitted and maintained with the people. All parties, regardless of whether their belong to the public, scholars, professionals, legislators, administrators and others should be uniformed and aligned in their thinking to ensure that the knowledge al-Faraid can survive and remain in the life of each and every Muslim individuals.
We cannot blame others if we are facing problems related to inheritance as we normally allow matters pertaining to inheritance to be taken care of by others outside our family or those who call themselves as ‘professionals’ in dealing with inheritance. The utmost concern is we must not expose our family to the risk of dispute and quarrel among the beneficiaries themselves, and indeed, the Prophet (pbuh) had already forewarned Muslims regarding the peril of neglecting the knowledge of al-Faraid.
Once again, let us ponder and reflect another Hadith of the Prophet (pbuh), in which he says: “Learn Faraid knowledge and teach it to people, because it is part of the knowledge and will be forgotten. It is also the first knowledge that would be pulled from my people. ”
(Hadith narrated by Ibn Majah from Abu Hurairah, RA)
Apparently, the underlying wisdom of why the Prophet (pbuh) has urged every Muslim to learn and teach the knowledge of al-Faraid cannot be overemphasised. In this regard, Muslims’ today need to take immediate steps to ensure that the wisdom of the knowledge of al-Faraid must continue to remain and continue to be significant in building the prosperity of the descendants of an Islamic family institution today and, also in the future. We cannot sit back, be indifferent or even refrain ourselves from learning the knowledge of al-Faraid.
Remember that al-Faraid is knowledge about a system that underscores the continuity and sustainability of a family for several generations of offspring and is vital for the survival of Muslim civilization, albeit in the economic sense. It is the best investment for both the world and the hereafter. Therefore, let us make an effort to learn and teach the knowledge of al-Faraid to our fellow Muslim brothers and sisters, and appreciate its underlying wisdom, before it disappears from this world.