On Seeking Right Knowledge

My previous article which appeared in this column dealt with the importance of preparing our graduates with the skills to acquire knowledge. The main reason why it is important, is to ensure their readiness and ability for a lifelong journey in the search for knowledge. The ocean of knowledge is there for graduates to explore,…

Learning From History

  Learning From History Ir. Ahmad Jais Alias Fellow, Centre for Consultancy and Training Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM) ( ah*******@ik**.my )   It is worth mentioning the advice of the Regent of Perak, His Majesty Raja Dr Nazrin Shah, in his speech during celebrations commemorating the birth of the Prophet Muhammad last month. He clearly stated…

Managing The Political Change Wisely

KUALA LUMPUR, March 14 (Bernama) – The “political tsunami” that hit the 12th General Election has changed the political landscape of the nation. It has left many in a state of mental and emotional confusion that is visible in their actions. Obviously the winners and losers must have lost their sleep, appetite or looking loss…

Bijak Menguruskan Perubahan

KUALA LUMPUR, 14 Mac (Bernama) –Tsunami Politik yang dikatakan melanda kancah politik negara, akibat keputusan Pilihan Raya Umum ke-12 yang baru berlalu, masih meletakkan banyak pihak di dalam kecelaruan fikiran, perasaan dan tindakan. Tidak kurang juga yang terganggu tidurnya, hilang selera makan atau termangu tanpa sebarang arah tujuan dalam beberapa hari yang berlalu. Fenomena ini…

Elected or Selected Representative?

My article ‘The Other Faces of Democracy’ which appeared in this column last month, received several responses from the readers. One of them quoted Sohaib N. Sultan’s article entitled ‘Forming an Islamic Democracy'(www.islamonline.net). The article defines democracy as ‘a government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives’. It further elaborates that a…

The Other Side of Democracy?

I was in my hotel room in Bangalore, India, watching the breaking news concerning the election results in Kenya reported by CNN. The results retained the President at the helm, but failed to satisfy the opposition. They claimed the election results were rigged in order for the previous regime to remain in power. The opposition…

Will Terror Act Lead to Democracy?

The impact and aftershock following Benazir Bhutto’s assassination has sent Pakistan into turmoil. THE year 2007 ended tragically with the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, former premier of Pakistan and one of the most influential figures in Pakistani politics and the global arena. The assassination, which took place during one of her election rallies, also killed…

Profesional Perlu Lebih Berilmu

SEBAGAI seorang profesional, penulis juga seringkali memikirkan persoalan di atas. Memandangkan kes-kes membabitkan profesional terus meningkat, khasnya yang membabitkan keselamatan orang ramai dan kesihatan, mereka yang lain juga mungkin mempunyai persoalan yang sama: Adakah golongan profesional kita cukup ilmu? Apabila merujuk kepada profesional, kita maksudkan seseorang yang bertugas dalam satu bidang atau profesion yang memenuhi…