Be Serious About Curbing Smoking

I was attracted by a report published in a daily last week that said one out of every four Malaysians smokes.   The report mentioned all the adverse consequences of smoking, including the significant reduction of a person’s lifespan.  Some children were reported to have started smoking while they were still in Year Six. I am…

Values are Guiding Lights in Life

RECENTLY, I got into a conversation with a friend. I got a shock of my life and simply could not believe what I heard.  I asked him what he thought of the Government’s current emphasis on values-based management in both the public and private sectors.   He responded: “Values are nothing!” Did he really mean his…

Membeli Barangan Cetak Rompak Salah di sisi Islam

NEGARA maju menjelang 2020 menjadi sasaran Malaysia, sekali gus menjadikan kemajuan sosioekonomi sebagai bukti bagi membolehkan negara berkembang menjadi negara membangun yang disegani dan dihormati. Di kalangan negara Islam pula, Malaysia dianggap sebuah negara contoh. Formula pembangunan dijadikan sebagai rujukan bagi negara membangun dan negara Islam lain untuk keluar daripada belenggu kemiskinan. Ramai pemimpin negara…

Give Priority to Needy Students

FIRST of all, I would like to congratulate all the candidates who did well in their Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR), Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) and Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) examinations last year.   To those who did not perform well, it is not the end of the world. You are still very young and you have…

Price of US-Style Globalisation

IT WAS Thursday morning on March 20 last year. Iraq was attacked by the Americans and its allies. My wife was in tears and I was left numb and speechless.  I believe the same feelings were and are still felt by many Malaysians.  Why did America and its friends heartlessly invade Iraq though no consent…

OIC Needs to Forge Closer Co-operation

FOR Muslims worldwide, Aidilfitri is a time to rejoice. As a complete way of life, Islam is in tandem with the nature and needs of mankind – this includes the need to rejoice. As such, Islam commands that Aidilfitri (to commemorate the end of Ramadan) and Aidiladha (to commemorate the pilgrimage to Mecca) be celebrated…

Detain Drug Suppliers Under ISA

RECENTLY I was in Kijal, Terengganu, attending a seminar on “Social Justice in Islam” jointly organised by Ikim and the Development Authority of Terengganu Tengah (Ketengah).   In addition to Malaysian speakers, three foreign speakers, one each from Bangladesh, Indonesia and Brunei, were invited to share their experiences in their countries.   The organisers were impressed by…

Perniagaan Dikendali Sebagai Ibadah Perkukuh Jihad

PERNIAGAAN adalah jihad yang sangat dituntut oleh Islam. Ia dilihat sebagai satu fardu kifayah yang mampu meningkatkan penguasaan ekonomi orang Islam. Ekonomi yang mantap adalah keperluan utama untuk membolehkan umat Islam terus bersaing dalam keadaan dunia hari ini. Allah berfirman, maksudnya: “Pergilah kamu beramai-ramai (untuk berperang pada jalan Allah, sama ada dengan keadaan ringan (dan…

Get Tough with Drug Addicts

FIRST of all, I would like to wish all readers a Happy New Year. May 2004 bring peace and prosperity to the world and this country.  Thus far, in addition to physical development, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is also serious in wanting to enhance the quality of life, physically and spiritually, for…