Public misunderstanding on vaccination has become a polemic nowadays. Many misconceptions about vaccine have persisted for decades due to poor understanding about the vaccine itself. Vaccination or immunisation is a preventive measure to control and combat infectious diseases. Any reduction of vaccine-preventable disease rate in the public can improve the quality of life and prolong life expectancy.
Vaccines have saved millions of lives, prevented significant morbidities and even eradicated diseases. Without immunisation, more children would die every year from measles, poliomyelitis, meningitis, diphtheria and many other vaccine preventable diseases.
Children are the most vulnerable group to vaccine-preventable diseases due to their weaker immune system. Vaccines help strengthen their immune system and protect them from potentially life-threatening complications. Hence, it is highly recommended that children are vaccinated according to the immunisation schedule as recommended by the government.
Today, the public fear of vaccine-preventable diseases has waned and awareness of potential adverse effects of vaccination has increased, which is threatening vaccine acceptance. Therefore, the society needs to be educated in order to increase vaccination rate among children and address public concerns.
Routine childhood vaccinations are usually administered at a very young age. As such, parents are responsible in making decisions on behalf of their children. Some Muslim parents today refuse to vaccinate their children because they believe the vaccine contains illegal sources like lard and porcine. They are doubtful on the efficacy and safety as well as the halal status of vaccines. In this context, the authorities have to play their role to ensure that vaccines are derived from only halal and safe sources. The government and relevant agencies also have to come up with verification that all vaccines in Malaysia are halal and urge Muslim parents to vaccinate their children.
On the other hand, Muslims must take the responsibility in pioneering and promoting the halal vaccine industry to avoid any public dilemma and provide the proper solution for Muslim’s concern. The halal vaccine initiative is believed to provide substantial benefits in areas like health, economic, social and religious aspects. However, can the initiative boost Muslim parent’s awareness to vaccinate their children?
Vaccination makes the world a safer place by saving millions of lives from preventable diseases. Perhaps, many people are not aware that vaccination is in line with the maqasid al-shariah since it tries to preserve human life. This preventative action corresponds with the ultimate objective of the maqasid al-shariah i.e preservation of benefits and avoidance of harm. Indeed, parents who vaccinate their children to safeguard them from the vaccine-preventable diseases fulfil the maqasid al-shariah framework.
Vaccination or immunisation is one of the most cost effective measures in public health care and able to protect and save lives from death and disability. Morbidity and mortality for many vaccine-preventable diseases have been significantly reduced as the vaccination rate is increased. In fact, vaccine is not a medical treatment for infectious diseases but it is a preventative measure from any unexpected harm.
As stated in surah al-Maidah verse 32 which means: “… and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind.” Clearly, the Qur’an emphasises the importance of saving lives, therefore vaccination measure is not in contradiction with Islamic teachings. Hence, it is undeniable that the national immunisation programme outlined by health experts and the Ministry of Health meet this purpose.
Health professionals and religious leaders play a very important role in addressing vaccination issues among the public. However, there is a gap between these two groups in disseminating the relevant information to the society. They should complement each other in terms of enhancing people’s understanding about the importance of vaccination. The public attitude towards vaccination are shaped not just by health professionals and religious leaders but also by an array of other information sources including online and the social media.
Attitude, knowledge and practice towards health and well-being shall prevail in accordance with Islam. Therefore, public awareness needs to be improved and empowered through knowledge and authentic information from authoritative sources. This idea needs a comprehensive synergy between the religious leaders and health professionals since both groups’ interpretations on vaccine give impact on the public’s decision making. Furthermore, any research regarding public health interest need to be done in order to develop policies and conduct awareness programmes in the society.