Jakarta, Paris and the world bleed again. Bombs and fires roar now and then, bloods scattered and we all weep in desolation while hatred and suspicion etowards ach other grows each day. The worst is when these heinous crimes were committed by groups of psychopaths masquerading in every corner of the world camouflaging as “Muslims” fighting under the banner of “Islam”. Islamophobia! Islamophobia! It is saddening and at the same time sickening to see that whenever acts of terrorism committed by the so-called a group of psychopath “Muslims”, the rest of 1.6 billions Muslims on earth are held responsible for the acts of these stupid and deranged bunch. But, we seldom hear the word “Christian terrorists” or “Jewish terrorists” used though the culprits were Christians or Jews themselves or any other religions, for that matter. Why Islam and Muslims are always associated with these kinds of atrocious act? Is it some kind of strategic and systematic move by some quarters and enemies of Islam to denigrate Islam and instill fear and hatred in the hearts of rest of the people? What benefit do they get by doing this? Or was it because there are some quarters who fear the spread of Islam, the world’s fastest-growing faith will further grow as projected by the US Pew Research Centre recently. But, the question is has it been a successful strategy just by associating the crimes to Islam, it will shun away people from having positive views about Islam and the Muslims?.
Surprisingly however to note that, on the contrary, a new Pew Research Center survey finds that 76% in France say they have a favourable view of Muslims living in their country. Meanwhile, the percentage with a very favorable opinion of Muslims has increased significantly, rising from 14% last year to 25% today. Attitudes toward Muslims tend to be more positive on the political left in France, but ratings improved across the ideological spectrum. The pattern is similar to what we found in the U.S. following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Favorable views of Muslim Americans rose from 45% in March 2001 to 59% in November of that year.
It is widely known that all religions preach peace and harmony. More so is true with Islam as even its very name is composed of the three Arabic words “s-l-m” to mean peace. There are numerous Qur’anic verses and Prophetic traditions that enjoins the mankind in general (not just the Muslims) to live co-existently in peaceful and harmony by knowing each other. The Holy Qur’an says in Surah al-Hujurat verse 13:
“O mankind!, we have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other. Verily, the most honourable of you with Allah is that (believer) who has Piety. Verily Allah is All-Knowing and All-Aware”
Just because there are certain quarters in the particular religion or faith behave not in tandem with the teachings of it does not hold the religion to take the blame. None of the respected world Muslim scholars or ulama’ have openly expressed their sympathy or support to the struggle of any militant or terrorist groups whether al-Qaeda previously or ISIS now. Many have come out with books and religious edicts (fatwa) condemning the acts of the perpetrators. After the burning alive of Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kassasbeh in February last year, the Grand Sheikh of al-Azhar, Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayyib expressed his ‘strong dismay at this cowardly act’. He said: “Islam forbids killing of the innocent human souls…it forbids mutilating the human soul by burning or in any other way even during wars against enemy that attacks you”. He futher called for the “killing, crucifixion and chopping of the limbs of the ISIS terrorists”. While another world leading and most respected scholar a Syrian who currently resides in Morrocco, Sheikh Muhamad al-Yaqoubi recently published a book entitled: “Refuting ISIS: A Rebuttal of Its Religious and Ideoligical Foundations” also condems the ISIS group and regards the it as a modern Khawarij group – a rebellious group that emerged in the formative period of Islam. He further asserts these members have left Islam and are no longer Muslims and therefore impermissible (haram) to pledge allegiance to ISIS ‘self-appointed pseudo-caliph al-Baghdadi’. The fatwa is not dissimilar to the fatwa issued by another leading scholar Sheikh Tahirul Qadri.
From the above, it is clear that no renown Muslim scholars in the Muslim world have condoned the acts of terrorism by all means. On the contrary with certain religions though the teachings promote peace, but in Sri Lanka and Myammar for example, the atrocities against the Muslims were spearheaded by the monks themselves.
Islam is a religion of peace since its beginning. Even during the early Islam, wars and battles erupted mostly not initiated by the Muslims but rather in self-defence against the Arab Quraisy and other religious faiths. Let us unite together against terrorism and love each other as Martin Luther King Jr once said “ Hate cannot drive out hate, only love do that”. Terrorism has no faith, no colour and no race. Terrorism – not under our name!