To this very day, the ruthless actions of IS have been dominating global headlines. Political theories and outright conspiracy theories were brought into the public domain to fully comprehend its existence, political motives, mission; and to justify the rationale behind its heinous crimes; if there is even any. To one’s dismay, amidst the confusion of its ideology and substance, there are certain individuals who are attracted to its struggle. For this reason, there is an urgent need to address the issue and provide the general masses with the right perspective on Islam and politics.
Islam is a comprehensive way of life. By this, it simply means that when one leads one’s life, everything must follow the principles set within the boundaries of Islam. This includes how Muslims engage themselves politically and how they utilize the power that they have as political actors. In Islam, politics remains in the realms of the religion. This reflects the exact feature of the religion that encompasses all areas of human interactions including his/her interaction with Allah the Almighty and his/her interaction with fellow human beings.
Al Mawdudi avers that the political system of Islam is based on three principles: Tawhid (Oneness of God), Risalah (Prophethood) and Khilafah (vicegerency). Tawhid implies that Allah is the Sole, Ultimate Creator and Sustainer of the universe and of all that exists within it. The channel through which the law of Allah is received is known as Risalah which comes from the sources of the Holy Quran and the authoritative interpretation and exemplification of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) as the Messenger of Allah. The Prophet has provided us with a model for the Islamic way of life by implementing the law and providing necessary details where required. Khilafah or vicegerency means that Man, according to Islam, is the representative of Allah on earth. That is to say, by virtue of the powers delegated to him, he is required to carry out the amanah (trust) and responsibility in this world within the limits prescribed by God. This interrelatedness of the concept of trust and vicegerency is important as it aims to promote and enhance the qualities of goodness and virtue which must flourish among mankind. This also comes alongside the need to suppress all kinds of exploitation, immorality and injustice.
Islam underlines that the principles of morality are to be observed at all costs and in all aspects of life, regardless of its mundane nature. Hence, Islam lays down a permanent necessity for the state to base its politics on wisdom, justice, truth and integrity. It should not under any circumstances allow nor accept injustice, deceit and repugnance for the sake of political expediency. Truth, honesty and rectitude must be emphasized and given priority in all spheres of the political life, be it in relations between rulers and the people or between states. It imposes obligations on the state similar to those required from the individual, which is to fulfill every contract and obligation; and to have consistent standards in all dealings. It is important to remember that rights and freedom twin siblings to these obligations. In calling for others to fulfill their obligations towards the state, Islam highlights the requirement to also respect their rights as citizens. For rulers, or the leaders in a political setting, power and authority are the instruments to establish justice. Their duties which include protecting and serving the people should be viewed as religious obligations. Power is ultimately a trust from Allah that is legitimately be expressed in the form of beneficial policies based on the right understanding that is to serve the purpose of his existence as the vicegerent of the one and only God.
How then could IS fall within all of these categories? If it claimed that it originated from the true teachings of Islam, then something must be fundamentally wrong in its version of Islam. The universal message of Islam propagates the noble concepts of compassion, justice and righteousness as stated in Chapter 16, Verse 90 of the Holy Quran,
“Indeed, Allah orders justice and good conduct and giving to relatives and forbids immorality and bad conduct and oppression. He admonishes you that perhaps you will be reminded”
In another verse, Allah the Almighty says,
“O you who believe, be persistently standing firm for Allah , witnesses in justice, and do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just; that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is acquainted with what you do”
(Chapter 5, Verse 8)
Therefore, it is important to note, that the so-called struggle of IS and other groups alike, do not even represent the essence of Islam. To know that their actions are actually putting Islam in the limelight for all the wrong reasons only evokes angst among anyone who has been in contact with the beauty of Islam. Emphasizing the views of the great Islamic scholar Al-Ghazali, on the higher objectives of Shari’ah (Maqasid Shari’ah), politics in Islam must also meet these similar objectives. To preserve the religion is crucial and this must also include all efforts to preserve the sanctity and the image of Islam. Whenever actions taken by some Muslims result in Islam being labeled negatively and condemned by others, it is the responsibilities of all fellow Muslims to bring back the credibility of Islam and ensure that Islam is understood correctly; even if it necessitates the condemnation against fellow Muslims.