INDIVIDUALS can perform better in an environment where there is room for everyone to participate freely.
Freedom to manoeuvre is an important factor in a social order and it can lead to individual motivation and creativity.
Despite this positive environment, it is only natural that there will be people who are less fortunate and are not in a position to participate actively and effectively in our economic progress.
For our society to continue to advance economically this social imbalance has to be remedied, and if possible, eliminated.It is a very important principle in economic planning that every member of society must participate and contribute at his optimum capacity.
In a country like ours, it cannot afford to operate at less than full capacity. To be competitive internationally, we must produce in quantity and with quality.
Social imbalance, if it is not addressed effectively, can create social instability and hinder economic progress.If the imbalance is due to an unjust system and practices, the economy may suffer a more serious repercussion.This negative practice can demoralise a big segment of the exploited labour force. A demoralised labour force cannot be productive. Instead, these workers will become a burden to society.
It is a common belief that society’s prosperity has, to a certain extent, been realised by minimising the proportion of less fortunate. If possible, every member of society has to be above the poverty line.At the same time, efforts should be made to reduce the relative income differences. It can be reduced through a fair and just social order.
The principle of “individual interest and social responsibility” is fundamental in reducing the relative income differences and can contribute positively towards sustainable economic prosperity.
Society’s success depends very much on our ability to create a social order where everybody considers seriously
and sincerely his social responsibility and contribution.
We need each other. Even the rich need the poor. Being a social being, man must depend on others for his own
advancement even in economic activities.
On top of that, our social arrangement should not be solely based on economic consideration alone.
If economic progress is considered the ultimate goal of society, this objective may not be achievable. Other factors which are lacking in society may affect its economic performance.
The belief in this comprehensive approach to development is indeed the truth in Islam.
A society which does not aspire to uphold the truth can never succeed to develop itself properly. Upholding the truth is sacred. Truth insists we mush strive for comprehensive development.For example, the denial of truth in the form of rejecting ethical and spiritual values in its economic pursuit can lead humanity towards an extremist and uncompromising materialistic outlook.
Materialism and individualism are not relevant human ideologies. They create individual and social imbalance which ultimately contributes to human decline, including the decline of economic prosperity.Materialism focuses on making people more comfortable, prosperous and delightful with a complete disregard of social evils.
This material consciousness has transformed people into worshippers of consumption.Abu Hassan Ali Nadwi, a respected Muslim scholar observed that the ever-increasing material progress has given rise to an anti-God material, which has become the champion of anti-religions thoughts and actions.
It has become the distinctive mark and the dominant characteristic of the modern materialistic civilisation.
This civilisation is hostile to everything divine in origin or religious in principle and method.
These people are craving for material power and pleasure, and claiming an unquestioning submission to their own impulses and ideas.
The rationale, motive and concept of materialism which place confidence only in the senses is alien to Islam.
The Quran says: “We did not create heaven, earth and all between them in vain.” (38:27)
The Quran also says: “Indeed in the creation of the heavens and the earth, the succession of night and day, the ships that sail the seas to the benefit of man, rain that God causes to fall from the skies, and how by this means He revives a dead earth and scatters all kinds of creatures across the earth, and in the circling of the winds and the clouds that are appointed to work between the sky and the earth – are signs for people who reason and reflect.” (2:164)The tragedy experienced by humanity at present is caused by arrogance, over confidence and excessive reliance on human knowledge coupled with the contemptuous defiance and outright denial of unseen realities.
It is indeed this concept of human knowledge which is responsible for the belief in the primacy of matter, its indestructibility and creativeness. The Malaysian society should not fall into this trap which has swallowed the Western liberal materialistic society.
Our Vision 2020, which invokes multi-dimensionality in its approach, and being influenced by divine guidance, has to be implemented carefully with full commitment.
In this direction alone can truth be upheld and society, as a whole, progress in line with human nature.
INDIVIDUALS can perform better in an environment where there is room for everyone to participate freely.
Freedom to manoeuvre is an important factor in a social order and it can lead to individual motivation and creativity.
Despite this positive environment, it is only natural that there will be people who are less fortunate and are not in a position to participate actively and effectively in our economic progress.
For our society to continue to advance economically this social imbalance has to be remedied, and if possible, eliminated.
It is a very important principle in economic planning that every member of society must participate and contribute at his optimum capacity.
In a country like ours, it cannot afford to operate at less than full capacity. To be competitive internationally, we must produce in quantity and with quality.
Social imbalance, if it is not addressed effectively, can create social instability and hinder economic progress.If the imbalance is due to an unjust system and practices, the economy may suffer a more serious repercussion.This negative practice can demoralise a big segment of the exploited labour force. A demoralised labour force cannot be productive. Instead, these workers will become a burden to society.
It is a common belief that society’s prosperity has, to a certain extent, been realised by minimising the proportion of less fortunate. If possible, every member of society has to be above the poverty line.At the same time, efforts should be made to reduce the relative income differences. It can be reduced through a fair and just social order.
The principle of “individual interest and social responsibility” is fundamental in reducing the relative income differences and can contribute positively towards sustainable economic prosperity.
Society’s success depends very much on our ability to create a social order where everybody considers seriously and sincerely his social responsibility and contribution. We need each other. Even the rich need the poor.
Being a social being, man must depend on others for his own advancement even in economic activities.
On top of that, our social arrangement should not be solely based on economic consideration alone.
If economic progress is considered the ultimate goal of society, this objective may not be achievable. Other factors which are lacking in society may affect its economic performance. The belief in this comprehensive approach to development is indeed the truth in Islam.
A society which does not aspire to uphold the truth can never succeed to develop itself properly. Upholding the truth is sacred. Truth insists we mush strive for comprehensive development.For example, the denial of truth in the form of rejecting ethical and spiritual values in its economic pursuit can lead humanity towards an extremist and uncompromising materialistic outlook.
Materialism and individualism are not relevant human ideologies. They create individual and social imbalance which ultimately contributes to human decline, including the decline of economic prosperity.Materialism focuses on making people more comfortable, prosperous and delightful with a complete disregard of social evils.
This material consciousness has transformed people into worshippers of consumption.Abu Hassan Ali Nadwi, a respected Muslim scholar observed that the ever-increasing material progress has given rise to an anti-God material, which has become the champion of anti-religions thoughts and actions.
It has become the distinctive mark and the dominant characteristic of the modern materialistic civilisation. This civilisation is hostile to everything divine in origin or religious in principle and method.
These people are craving for material power and pleasure, and claiming an unquestioning submission to their own impulses and ideas.
The rationale, motive and concept of materialism which place confidence only in the senses is alien to Islam.
The Quran says: “We did not create heaven, earth and all between them in vain.” (38:27)
The Quran also says: “Indeed in the creation of the heavens and the earth, the succession of night and day, the ships that sail the seas to the benefit of man, rain that God causes to fall from the skies, and how by this means He revives a dead earth and scatters all kinds of creatures across the earth, and in the circling of the winds and he clouds that are appointed to work between the sky and the earth – are signs for people who reason and reflect.” (2:164)The tragedy experienced by humanity at present is caused by arrogance, over confidence and excessive reliance on human knowledge coupled with the contemptuous defiance and outright denial of unseen realities.
It is indeed this concept of human knowledge which is responsible for the belief in the primacy of matter, its indestructibility and creativeness.
The Malaysian society should not fall into this trap which has swallowed the Western liberal materialistic society.
Our Vision 2020, which invokes multi-dimensionality in its approach, and being influenced by divine guidance, has to be implemented carefully with full commitment.
In this direction alone can truth be upheld and society, as a whole, progress in line with human nature.INDIVIDUALS can perform better in an environment where there is room for everyone to participate freely.
Freedom to manoeuvre is an important factor in a social order and it can lead to individual motivation and creativity.
Despite this positive environment, it is only natural that there will be people who are less fortunate and are not in a position to participate actively and effectively in our economic progress.
For our society to continue to advance economically this social imbalance has to be remedied, and if possible, eliminated.
It is a very important principle in economic planning that every member of society must participate and contribute at his optimum capacity.
In a country like ours, it cannot afford to operate at less than full capacity. To be competitive internationally, we must produce in quantity and with quality.
Social imbalance, if it is not addressed effectively, can create social instability and hinder economic progress.If
the imbalance is due to an unjust system and practices, the economy may suffer a more serious repercussion.This negative practice can demoralise a big segment of the exploited labour force. A demoralised labour force cannot be productive. Instead, these workers will become a burden to society.
It is a common belief that society’s prosperity has, to a certain extent, been realised by minimising the proportion of less fortunate. If possible, every member of society has to be above the poverty line.At the same time, efforts should be made to reduce the relative income differences. It can be reduced through a fair and just social order.
The principle of “individual interest and social responsibility” is fundamental in reducing the relative income differences and can contribute positively towards sustainable economic prosperity.
Society’s success depends very much on our ability to create a social order where everybody considers seriously
and sincerely his social responsibility and contribution. We need each other. Even the rich need the poor.
Being a social being, man must depend on others for his own advancement even in economic activities.
On top of that, our social arrangement should not be solely based on economic consideration alone.
If economic progress is considered the ultimate goal of society, this objective may not be achievable. Other factors which are lacking in society may affect its economic performance.
The belief in this comprehensive approach to development is indeed the truth in Islam.
A society which does not aspire to uphold the truth can never succeed to develop itself properly. Upholding the truth is sacred. Truth insists we mush strive for comprehensive development.For example, the denial of truth in the form of rejecting ethical and spiritual values in its economic pursuit can
lead humanity towards an extremist and uncompromising materialistic outlook.
Materialism and individualism are not relevant human ideologies. They create individual and social imbalance which ultimately contributes to human decline, including the decline of economic prosperity.Materialism focuses on making people more comfortable, prosperous and delightful with a complete disregard of social evils.
This material consciousness has transformed people into worshippers of consumption.Abu Hassan Ali Nadwi, a respected Muslim scholar observed that the ever-increasing material progress has given rise to an anti-God material, which has become the champion of anti-religions thoughts and actions.
It has become the distinctive mark and the dominant characteristic of the modern materialistic civilisation.
This civilisation is hostile to everything divine in origin or religious in principle and method.
These people are craving for material power and pleasure, and claiming an unquestioning submission to their own impulses and ideas.
The rationale, motive and concept of materialism which place confidence only in the senses is alien to Islam.
The Quran says: “We did not create heaven, earth and all between them in vain.” (38:27)
The Quran also says: “Indeed in the creation of the heavens and the earth, the succession of night and day, the ships that sail the seas to the benefit of man, rain that God causes to fall from the skies, and how by this means He revives a dead earth and scatters all kinds of creatures across the earth, and in the circling of the winds and the clouds that are appointed to work between the sky and the earth – are signs for people who reason and reflect.” (2:164)
The tragedy experienced by humanity at present is caused by arrogance, over confidence and excessive reliance on human knowledge coupled with the contemptuous defiance and outright denial of unseen realities. It is indeed this concept of human knowledge which is responsible for the belief in the primacy of matter, its indestructibility and creativeness.
The Malaysian society should not fall into this trap which has swallowed the Western liberal materialistic society.
Our Vision 2020, which invokes multi-dimensionality in its approach, and being influenced by divine guidance, has to be implemented carefully with full commitment.
In this direction alone can truth be upheld and society, as a whole, progress in line with human nature.