ABUSE, rape. These two words have been repeatedly appearing as headlines in newspapers recently. Almost every day we read about child abuse and rape reports. Upon reading them, we feel angry, sad and afraid.
Then we ask, what has happened to our society today? We want to help, we want to do something but unfortunately, Awe do not know how.
Cases of physically, mentally and sexually abused children are increasing at an alarming rate.
Since the case of the late B. Balasundram in 1990 until recently, Noriszyani Amylia Ahmad, nothing much has been done to prevent the recurrence of such incidents.
Children are precious and very special. They are gifts from God who should be treated with great care and abundance of love.
A great Roman philosopher, Marcus Tullius Cicero, once said: “Of all nature’s gifts to the human race, what is sweeter to man than these children?”
According to Islam, children have been entrusted to us by the Almighty. Prophet Muhammad adored children very much.
He was always kind and soft towards them. His wife, Aishah, reported: “There came a few desert Arabs to Allah’s messenger and asked: Do you kiss your children? He said: Yes.
They said: But we, by Allah, do not kiss our children. Allah’s messenger then said: Then what can I do if Allah has deprived you of mercy?” (Hadith Sahih Muslim)
In another incident, Abdullah bin Ja’afar reported that Muhammad always placed his grandson and Abdullah on his back and played with them when Muhammad returned from a journey.
This shows us that he treated children with great love and care.
We must try to replicate our prophet’s passion for children. Unfortunately, in today’s society, children are threatened by various social problems which jeopardise their well-being.
An increase in child abuse and rape cases calls for urgent counter-action. Society has an important role to play.
We must make concerted efforts to overcome or prevent child abuse and rapes. We must also give full support
to programmes sponsored by the Government or non-governmental organisations in dealing with this problem. According to Jaclyn Kee of the Women’s Aid Organisation, child abuse is covered under Child Act 2001.
This Act deals with children below 18 years old who need care and protection in relation to their health and welfare. Under section 17(1)(a) of the Act, a child is defined as in need of care and protection if, “the child has been or if there is substantial risk that the child will be physically injured or emotionally injured or sexually abused by his parent or guardian or a member of his extended family.”
She wrote that the Act mandates a member of the family or doctor to inform the authorities if they suspected a child was being abused.
Failing to do so, they were liable to a maximum fine of RM5,000 or jailed for up to two years or both.
The responsibility to report abuse and rape to the authorities is not entrusted upon family members and doctors only.
All members of society have the same responsibility, particularly those who are aware of the existence of such abuse.
There are several things that we can do to prevent child abuse. Firstly, every member of society must be aware that all children have the right to live and cannot be abused.
This must be understood and accepted by every one of us. We must teach our children, students and youngsters that they have this right. With this knowledge, we hope the young ones will know they have the right to receive proper attention from adults.
Secondly, all members of society must be informed of their obligation and responsibility to report abuse and rape cases that they are aware of.
The report can be made directly to the police or they may call the Teledera line that is open 24 hours a day. Every member of society must be aware that his ignorance or concealment of any known abuse cases may subject him to the punishment mentioned earlier.
Lastly, members of society must act as social workers to help abuse and rape victims. As we know, in every abuse case, the role of social workers is important.
They are empowered to take certain action to ensure abused children receive proper support and treatment.
Though members of society do not have any legal power like social workers do, they have the strength to “rescue” children from mistreatment and offer them the help and support they need.
We all agree that members of society are encouraged to lend a hand in any child abuse cases.
However, not many of us know what we should do and how to do it. A recent report revealed only two calls per day regarding abuse and rape cases were received by the Teledera line operator.
We can draw two simple conclusions – either we do not care or we really do not know the existence of the line.
We must always be alert to any possible case of child abuse. We want to be known as a caring society, thus we must prove that we are.
By being alert, we can take instant action to prevent or stop abuse.
However, any preventive action cannot materialise if proper avenues are not available. The creation of an easy reporting system is essential.
The Teledera line must always be in good condition and be well-maintained.
The existence of this line must also be made known to the public.
Programmes to encourage the public to be proactive in this issue must be conducted. In conclusion, the role of
society in preventing child abuse and rape is undoubtedly important.
Thus, every one must play his role as an alert and caring member of society. Helping people, especially the young ones, is strongly encouraged in Islam. Islam also teaches us to tell the truth about anything.
In verse 71 of Surah al-Imraan in the Quran, Allah said: “Ye People of the Book! Why do ye clothe truth with falsehood and conceal the truth, while ye have knowledge?” Thus, please help those children by revealing the truth of what had happened to them.