Leading Islamic finance: What’s next?
Malaysia holds the world’s record in Islamic finance. In the ICD-Refinitiv Islamic Finance Development Indicator (IFDI) Report 2022, out of 136 countries, our country ranked first for ten consecutive years…
Malaysia holds the world’s record in Islamic finance. In the ICD-Refinitiv Islamic Finance Development Indicator (IFDI) Report 2022, out of 136 countries, our country ranked first for ten consecutive years…
Sambutan Maal Hijrah Peringkat Kebangsaan tahun ini berlangsung dengan tema “Perpaduan Teras Malaysia Madani.” Menyingkap kembali peristiwa hijrah dan sejarah Piagam Madinah, tema…
Are we moving towards an economic progress at the expense of social and family well-being? To answer this question, let us look at some figures. According to the United Nations, a country’s fertility rate…
The primary objectives in the Shared Prosperity Vision 2030 (SPV2030) include addressing wealth and income disparities across all income groups, ethnicities, regions and supply chains. The commitment aims …
One of the megatrends that shapes the 21st century is demographic and social change—with the global population projected to increase to 10 billion by 2050. The data also indicate that the world’s …
Kita biasa mendengar ucapan bahawa musibah berlaku sebagai penghapus dosa. Jika benar, adakah musibah hanya berlaku kepada mereka yang melakukan dosa sebagai satu bentuk hukuman? Tanpa kita sedar, …
The challenge to achieve the goal of Shared Prosperity Vision 2030 is not the lack of economic opportunity or resources but corruption and leakages of public funds. Apart from pandemic, these moral challenges were also …
COVID-19 has impacted our life in many ways, especially in health and economic wellbeing. On top of that, the world sees the rising of drug use and abuse as COVID-19 drags on. Overdoses have spiked …
Antara nikmat yang dianugerahkan oleh Allah SWT yang kita mungkin sering terlupa ialah nikmat kemerdekaan dan keamanan. Melalui nikmat ini, kita mampu meneruskan kehidupan dan melakukan amal ibadat dengan penuh tenang …
There are two news items highlighted in the local newspapers on the very first day of Ramadan this year. The first one is the launching of the ‘National Waqf Month’ by the Prime Minister of Malaysia. The other one is the increase in food prices. Ramadan …