THE Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia’s (IKIM’s) first branch was officially opened by the Sultan of Pahang on Nov 14. It marked another milestone for the institute.
The branch in Kuantan will serve the east coast of the peninsula, and it looks set to begin an important chapter for Ikim.
Ikim was founded in 1992 with the objective of providing proper and true understanding of issues from the Islamic perspective.
The diverse issues covered include economy, law, science, technology, and social sciences. Ikim tackles a wide spectrum of subjects in line with the fact that Islam is all encompassing.It has been said time and again that Islam is a complete way of life and covers all aspects of life, both in this world and the hereafter.
Thus far, Ikim has tackled issues such as Islamic jurisprudence and syariah courts; corporate governance and globalisation; cloning and organ donation; women issues and family matters; youth problems; and Islamic standards.
The institute provides a platform for these issues to be discussed and deliberated in seminars, conferences, and fora. The working papers, discussions, and deliberations are then published in books and monographs for the benefit of the public so that the knowledge from these activities is better communicated to the masses.
Another unique fact is that Ikim has also been a platform for Muslims and non-Muslims to exchange views and opinions on issues of importance.
The existence of such a platform has helped to forge a better understanding and tolerance between people of different faiths in this country.
Over the past eight years, Ikim has succeeded in becoming an important public institution. This is visible through the number of working committees that Ikim is involved in as well as involvement in campaigns and programmes to create public awareness and understanding in certain issues.
One such campaign is the “Gift of Life” to promote an awareness of organ donation. This drive, spearheaded by the Ministry of Health, would often include the institute to provide the understanding on organ donation from the Islamic perspective.
The input provided by Ikim helps in clearing the air on sensitive subjects such as organ donation. Research is also an important facet of Ikim. The institute has embarked and is undertaking a number of research work to better enrich the knowledge that we have on a number of subjects.
For instance, one subject that is being studied is the Islamic Family Law. We look at the existing enactments with reference to fiqh texts and court judgments. Most people welcome the establishment of the institute as it is seen as an effort to uplift the image of Islam.
So far, it can be said that Ikim has been successful in doing this.
At the international level, Ikim has often been the point of reference for a number of organisations which need the Islamic perspective. Nonetheless, the institute has come under criticism. At one time, it was regarded as elitist.
While it was true that, in the past, Ikim had focused its programmes on a certain group of people, namely academics, professionals, and policy makers, this was, in fact, part of the institute’s strategy to create a proper understanding of Islam.
Ikim focused on these groups first as they were the ones who wield the most influence on others. It is hoped that these groups would then spread the understanding to other people, in particular the grassroots.
Today, however, Ikim has begun to work its way to the laymen. As a matter of fact, many programmes in the past two years were tailored to the “non-elite” group. This year alone, almost half of Ikim’s programmes were conducted outside Kuala Lumpur in places like Johor Baru, Kota Baru, Kuantan, Port Dickson, Kuala Selangor, and Bagan Lalang.
Next year, Ikim is preparing to make headway in Alor Star, Penang, Kuala Terengganu, and Kota Kinabalu.
It has since diversified into consultancy and training and will operate a radio station called Radio Ikim, which will go on air in mid-2001.
No doubt the 21st century will bring forth many new and interesting challenges. Ikim’s expansion is an effort by the institute to address these challenges which are pertinent to Muslims, in particular, and Malaysians, in general.
Islam is a progressive and dynamic religion which, if understood correctly, can lead to a harmonious, advancing, and successful community and nation. In line with this, Ikim will persevere in its endeavour to correct the negative images linked to Islam and disseminate the meaning of the true Islam.