Remembering and commemorating of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. has been the practice of Muslims all over the world. It is a way of reviving his teachings so that Muslims would not in any way go astray or beyond what Islam has ordained them to follow as a system of life. It is clearly stated in the Quran in surah Al Anbiya verse 107 which translates to this effect: “And We have not sent you oh Muhammad except as a rahmah or mercy to the world.” In fact, the birth of the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W had brought an abundance of rahmah and mercifulness to the whole world and to all mankind. In conjunction with the commemoration of the birth of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W this year, the theme, Negara Rahmah Ummah Sejahtera, has been chosen as it is deemed suitable and practical in the current context of the challenges faced by the ummah at present.
Literally, Negara Rahmah Ummah Sejahtera could be understood as a prosperous and merciful state or country will lead to a happy, healthy and wealthy society. The theme seems ideal yet practical for idealistic thinking and vision may serve as primary foundation in the making of a prosperous country, in order to expedite the momentum toward achieving a more stable civilised nation or ummah madani. According to Imam Ibn al Jawzi, rahmah also means loving and caring. Love and care are basic to the wellbeing as well as happiness and survival of human beings. Without these attributes in existence, there would be no life, no respect, and no collaboration among human beings.
Indeed, without life, respect and love, humans would become more aggressive and violent with one another. They have to struggle just for their own food, pocket and survival. In the end, such a life has no mercy to anyone as life only brings more misery and suffering to humans. This totally contradicts to what Islam enjoins mankind: to be good, and respect their fellow humans. Islam always reminds man to establish good friendship and maintain the sense of brotherhood at all times. This includes helping one another in misery towards righteousness, kindness and happiness. Allah said in the Quran, in the surah al-Maidah, verse 2 which translates to the effect: “Help one another in acts of piety and righteousness. And do not assist each other in acts of sinfulness and transgression. And be aware of Allah. Verily, Allah is severe in punishment.” Indeed, it would be interesting if and when rahmah is promoted and then it becomes wide spread as a system of life.
In essence, rahmah cannot just be potentially considered as a concept in theoretical framework, but it can also be applied and practised as a standard procedure in the system of daily functioning as in the practice of the health system or in the economic system. It is already successful and accepted in the social setting system since everyone loves to be treated with mercy and respect. It is easily applicable in the daily functioning system as it is borderless and due to its user friendly concept and understanding.
Therefore, in order to be applicable, such a concept must be promoted to reach out widely to every spectrum of life and to every individual so that they can understand the true and full meaning of its dimension. In addition to that, some related questions that may bring more understanding to its application such as in what way mercy killing is merciful or fulfil the concept of rahmahtan lil alamin to the deceased and the family; or in the economic system, for example, how does the economic system nowadays bring mercy and prosperity to society, or in what way can the rahmah economic system nowadays create equal distribution of wealth to the poor? Other questions that may arise, for example, how may the rahmah economic system eradicate poverty, or can the increasing number of the poor in the country relate to the non-rahmatan lil alamin economic system being implemented? Is there any rahmah element in green technology and how would it be implement? Indeed, the one issue that needs to be looked into is if our country is really aggressive and committed enough with the implementation of the concept of rahmah or mercy in our society.
Indeed, rahmah is actually a highly important concept. Its benefits are encompassing not only to humans, but also animals, the flora and fauna and other creations of God. Having it implemented as a wide approached policy or as a standard protocol in life system is far more beneficial. However, as Muslims, we understand that practising it is a form of dakwah. Mercy, love and care are among the teachings of Islam as propagated by the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. At least, we have come to the point when we understand the concept and then come up with the full intention to its implementation as part of our practice in our daily life as ordained by God to every Muslim.