AI and the Legacy of Muslim Technological Innovation
God’s command to Prophet Nuh to build the Ark under His observance and inspiration (Surah Hud, 11: 37) illustrates that the Ark was more than a technological feat; it was…
God’s command to Prophet Nuh to build the Ark under His observance and inspiration (Surah Hud, 11: 37) illustrates that the Ark was more than a technological feat; it was…
Sejak abad ke-17, masyarakat Barat telah beralih daripada pandangan alam zaman pertengahan terhadap alam semesta yang diatur oleh Tuhan-sebagaimana diutarakan…
Perintah Allah ‘azza wa jalla kepada Nabi Nuh a.s. supaya membina Bahtera bawah pengawasan-Nya (Surah Hud, 11:37) mengisyaratkan bahawa ia bukan sekadar…
Sebagaimana diriwayatkan dalam Sirah Rasulillah oleh Ibn Hisham, Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. semasa mudanya pernah mengambil bahagian dalam perjanjian Hilf al-Fudul…
Menurut Ibn Khaldun (w. 1406) dalam karyanya Muqaddimah, pelbagai jenis kemahiran dan bidang ilmu pengetahuan adalah hasil daripada keupayaan ‘aqliyyah manusia yang sentiasa berusaha…
Pelantikan ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab (sekitar 584–644 M) sebagai Khalifah al-Rashidin yang kedua pada 634 mengisyaratkan kesinambungan dasar menghantar ekspedisi ketenteraan untuk…
The succession of ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab (c. 584–644 AD) as the second Rightly-Guided Caliph in 634 marked a continuation of the policy in sending out military expeditions…
According to Ibn Khaldun (d. 1406) in his Muqaddimah, the various crafts and branches of knowledge are the result of the human mind’s intellectual abilities, which is always in the habit of transforming simple…
The Hijrah undertaken by the Prophet Muhammad in the month of Safar (agreeing with July 622 AD) changed the map of the world with the establishment of al-Madinah which, according to…
The Mongol sack of Baghdad–the ‘Abbasid Caliphate seat of power– in 1258 was the culmination of their 60-year military invasion of Muslim lands in the Levant. However, in just two years’ time, the…