It seems that lately there are strong pressures coming from various sectors on the government and political parties to seriously solve the problem of corruption in various sectors in the country.
The change of political regime in the 15th General Election has caused the voice concerning this issue to become louder and stronger with the hope that the new government will have greater strength and courage to find solution to the problem.
While some already feel frustrated with the increasing number of corruptions plus the inefficiency of the previous government in dealing with the issues, some others would still place high hope to see a light at the end of the tunnel in terms of fighting to eliminate this dangerous threat to the nation.
The frustration among others came from the fact that, it is somehow difficult to eliminate corruption that has taken place especially in politics if the task to eliminate the problem is to be given to the same group that control power and authority.
This is more so knowing the fact that corruption can emerge in different forms and can be politically justified under different names. Furthermore, the stronger the power, the easier corruption be done and justified. Hence the reminding words of Lord Acton, the British historian, “power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
The underlying important question remains how to deal with corruption in a more substantial way? First, by changing the worldview of people concerning corruption. That human power is contingent and dependant on a higher power which is the divine power.
This is what al-Ghazali, great 11th century Muslim theologian did in reminding the then Governor of his time Nizam al-Mulk in his work Counsel of the Prince by emphasizing the theological principles that there is always the absolute Divine Power which will control any powerful Sultan in this world. This framework of thinking nevertheless can only be effective within the religious worldview which is taken as guiding principles in life.
Secondly, by connecting the understanding of the problem of corruption to the inner dimension of human self. Despite their disgraceful nature, corruption that take place in various form is actually the result of a deeper form of corruption, which is the corruption of knowledge and understanding.
When a person misused his position, for example, by asking for bribery, it is the result of a corrupted and confused way of thinking or understanding on what is appropriate and what is not, what is allowed and what is prohibited. It involved both ethical and legal principles in ones’ worldview and understanding.
In Islam both principles are provided by strong moral basis laid down by ethical foundations and the Shariah law, both enshrined in the Qur’an and the sayings of the Prophet.
These ethical and legal principles form what is known as the framework of Islamic worldview. It is a vision of reality which acknowledge the proper place of everything in the scheme of existents. The condition in which everything is positioned in its proper place is called justice.
Muslim scholars like Fakhr al-Din al-Razi has explained the position of justice in man with a beautiful analogy which shows that justice will not only take place within the society through the good governance of rulers but it begins with the balanced condition within one’s own self.
He alluded that just as the external condition of justice will take place when the ruler or the king rules in the just manner with the help of advisor, ministers and police officers, the internal microcosmic kingdom with heart being the king rules justly with the help of sincere advisor, which is the reason, and Chief of Police which is the faculty of anger.
Nevertheless, these three executives will have to face the continuous seduction by the deceitful and cunning merchant, the appetite which will always allure them towards beastly nature.
Now, just as it is necessary for an intelligent king to keep the sincere minister in a dominant position as against the deceitful merchant, and as against the chief of the police, and that he should pay no attention to their intrigues against the minister, in order to keep the affairs of the kingdom in good state, similarly, when the rational soul is illumined with the light of intellect and is enlightened with knowledge and wisdom, and subjugates appetite and anger, the affair of his external life will be good.