Umat Islam Perlu Bertaubat

Apabila Adam a.s dan isterinya dihalau keluar dari syurga kerana memakan buah larangan, kedua-duanya mengakui kesalahan masing-masing dan menyalahkan diri sendiri terhadap kesalahan yang dilakukan. Mereka tidak menyalahkan iblis kerana merancang komplot yang mendorong mereka melakukan kesalahan itu, dan Adam tidak menyalahkan isterinya kerana menyeretnya ke dalam masalah itu. Sebaliknya, kedua-duanya mengakui bahawa mereka telah…

Nafsu dan Kuasa

Kuasa selalunya dikaitkan dengan kegilaan. Dalam Bahasa Melayu frasa ‘gila kuasa’ digunakan bagi merujuk kepada sikap dan perbuatan keterlaluan yang ditunjukkan oleh pihak yang mahu berkuasa, mengekalkan kuasa yang sedang dimiliki ataupun menambah kuasa yang sedia ada. Kegilaan adalah lawan kepada kewarasan, dan ia menunjukkan betapa bahayanya kuasa itu kerana ia boleh menyebabkan seseorang itu…

Lahad Datu: Kewajiban Menjaga Nyawa dan Maruah

Pencerobohan Sabah oleh sekumpulan militan Sulu telah mengejutkan seluruh negara, dan menimbulkan beberapa persoalan dan keraguan di kalangan masyarakat. Persoalan pertama adalah bahawa penceroboh itu adalah saudara seagama, adakah kita dibenarkan membunuh mereka? Persoalan ini kita timbulkan kerana kita tahu dan menginsafi hakikat bahawa nyawa dan maruah sesama Islam tidak boleh diperlakukan sesuka hati. Dalam…

Hudud and Democratic Right

The crux of ‘hudud controversy’, according to Raja Petra Kamarudin, is the fact that both sides do not understand democracy and do not respect the democratic right of someone to support or oppose what they feel they want to support or oppose. Being a citizen of a democratic country, he emphasizes, every Malaysian has a…

Faith Should Not Be Blind

When a Muslim talks about faith what he means is “iman”. Unlike faith, iman presupposses knowledge. So a man of faith (in the sense of iman) must have knowledge in what he believes in. Hence, to seek knowledge is the first obligation of every believer. A certain Muslim theologian even goes to the extent of…

Moderation in Islam

Moderation means the “quality of being moderate and avoiding extremes”; or “to be within limits that are not excessive”. Moderation is always considered an excellent, praiseworthy quality. Inherent in the concept of moderation is the idea of ‘the means’-i.e. the limit to be observed in every conduct for it to be deemed moderate. What is…

Think Then Judge

Some people erroneously think that open-mindedness means to accept all opinions and to avoid making judgement over those opinions. A rational person will not make a blind, hasty or an uninformed judgement nor will he accept ideas and opinions indiscriminately. He will listen to what others have to say and suspend judgement until what is…

Your Truth, My Truth

It takes knowledge in order to affirm or deny something of something. The act of affirming or denying something of something is called judging. It assumes that reality exists, and that it can be known objectively. This is the philosophy of common people, or a common-sensical philosophy, and the foundation of all philosophical and scientific…

Idea and History

Every way of life is based upon a certain way of looking at life. The way one looks at life is one’s philosophy, and since there are many ways of looking at life there are many philosophies. So, what is called ‘western philosophy’ is western way of looking at life; why should a muslim follow…