Truth Is Always There

It is said that we are now living in an age known as ‘post-truth’ age, where objective facts are becoming less and less important compared to appeals to emotion and personal beliefs. One of the key ingredient of post-truth culture is social media, where opinions worth more than the facts. With the rise of social…

Cara Melawan Virus Pemikiran Songsang

Wabak Covid-19 diketahui merebak dengan sentuhan. Maka penularannya cuba dibendung dengan mengelakkan bersentuhan. Orang ramai turut dinasihatkan supaya tidak berada di tempat-tempat awam dan berkumpul beramai-ramai bagi mengelakkan jangkitan virus ini. Jika terpaksa sekalipun, untuk pergi ke tempat sedemikian mereka dinasihatkan supaya menggunakan pelitup …

The Pandemic of Ignorance

When the government announced measures to control the spread of COVID-19 which include closing down mosques and banning congregational prayers, many had objected and refused to obey. As we see a steady increase in the number of cases and fatality everywhere in the world, people begin to realise the grave situation …